Tobacco Industry

History of Tobacco

Ancient Times

Fifteenth Century

Sixteenth Century

Seventeenth Century

Eighteenth Century

Nineteenth Century

Twentieth Century

Modern Times

Corporate Stakeholders

Ethics & Social Values

Ecology & Natural Resources

Saint Leo Core Values

Throughout its long and storied history, tobacco has served the various appetites of religious shamans, aristocratic noblemen, common sailors, money changers and modern-day captains of industry. The aeromatic plant grew naturally in the moderate climates of the Americas and was transported to every corner of the world by seagoing merchants. Tobacco evolved from a miracle cure-all to a current medical pariah. From the days of King Philip III of Spain to present days, the tobacco industry has been controlled by a small number of governments and private companies. It wasn't until the nineteenth century that scientists began to understand the destructive nature of nicotine, about the same time that the automated cigarette rolling machine was...
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