According to National Public Radio, after U.S. forces invaded Iraq in March of 2003 Blackwater received another contract, to provide security, as mentioned in the introduction. A terrible incident happened in 2004 in the city of Fallujah, Iraq. Four Blackwater contractors were killed, dragged through the streets on fire, and hanged from a bridge over the Euphrates River (Flintoff, 2007). Some weeks later the U.S. military attempted to capture Fallujah, a stronghold for insurgents, but the U.S. failed in that effort.

The U.S. authority in Iraq (Paul Bremer) issued an order in June 2004 that basically gave Blackwater immunity from Iraq law, Flintoff writes. When you are above the law, there are no rules of engagement. And several incidents subsequent to June, 2004, have brought negative attention to Blackwater. Blackwater guards shot and killed a man in June 2005 and failed to report the incident, Flintoff writes in NPR. A...
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