Create a team that helps facilitate the design of the full-scale exercise program.

2. Coordination

Achieve realism via the recruitment of personnel and the development of specific sites.

Use fake victims to simulate the emergency

Coordinate technologies used in the rescue effort

Create and distribute communications related to the full-scale exercise.

Arrange for and distribute funding

Survey full-scale exercise locations

Back-up planning for needed funding or alternative locations

3. Execution

Apply available funds

Set date and execute

Backup personnel

4. Evaluation

Formal evaluation, involving quantitative surveys

Data analysis

Qualitative analysis, performed by qualified personnel

Observations and recordings

Cost analysis

Cost/benefits analysis

Summary reports and press releases

5. Future planning.


FEMA (2010). "Community Hazards Emergency Response-Capability Assurance Process (CHER-CAP) Fact Sheet." Retrieved online:

FEMA (2010). "The Full-Scale Exercise." Unit 7. Retrieved online: -- TDFNQFNfQ4vBFVV1q83jm4HriKO0AqkLSoaAk1K0S-nlnKnh6fBXuWoWQxeA71yfMoO4tT2ocfJyrNHapQu6LtglbCirPsOV2fnhzzAnC&sig=AHIEtbTJ4SgMzI9doGpa9nrIFX-jv4Bfew...
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