Type 2 diabetes mellitus has become a common condition afflicting individuals worldwide. There are an increasing number of women in the reproductive age group presenting with type 2 diabetes, which necessitates appropriate risk management in order to reduce the likelihood of any negative effects for mothers and fetuses (Mahmud & Mazza, 2010). Prevention of any complications among this high risk group is best achieved through preconception care including counseling that effectively provides women with type 2 diabetes with information and guidance in order to achieve the most successful pregnancy outcomes. How is this preconception care most effectively delivered and how are pregnancy outcomes impacted?

Guidelines for preconception care should consist of counseling surrounding risks that uncontrolled preconceptional blood sugar poses regarding congenital malformation, and how appropriate blood sugar control should be achieved prior to conception, thus placing emphasis on the importance of effective contraception (Mahmud & Mazza, 2010). However,...
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