Family chosen for this particular assessment was a large family that seemed likely to provide plenty of interesting anomalies and peculiarities. The structural assessment of the family includes three aspects; 1) internal, 2) external, and 3) context. The internal aspect is composed of who is in the family and how they are connected. This family has two parents; a man and a woman (although the father recently passed away). The family is composed of 12 children, eight boys and four girls. The mother is 70 years of age, and the children range in age from 30 -- 54 years old. The children are all married (or have been) and all have produced offspring as well. Additionally, a number of the offspring have attained an age(s) that allows them the capability of reproducing, subsequently there are a number great-grandchildren as well (with additional buns in the oven as the term so...
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