Compulsory Heterosexuality & Lesbian Existence; Restricted Sexuality & Female Resistance

Women's Issues -- Compulsory Heterosexuality

Compulsory Heterosexuality & Lesbian Existence; Restricted Sexuality & Female Resistance

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Adrienne Rich is a feminist theorist with clearly defined ideas that are communicated with sharp, yet graceful articulation. Her essay, "Compulsory Heterosexuality" gave her well deserved and earned respect from the community of her peers. The essay additionally challenged women, theorists, philosophers, and producers of media and culture to a great task. Her perspective, one that exists outside and arguably, independent of Western patriarchal male ideology, is valuable. Perspectives outside of the mainstream are valuable. They exist. The declaration and acknowledgement of existence is a crucial theme of "Compulsory Heterosexuality." Her piece is about the lesbian experience, but really her piece is about the experience of women within a society where men have...
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