Psychotherapeutic Case Formulation

Salomon has clearly evidenced educational and emotional problems at least since the 6th grade; however, this 9th grader has apparently neither been thoroughly physically and psychiatrically evaluated, nor received an Individual Education Plan, evincing a stunning level of neglect by his educators, the school psychologist and his Nurse-mother, all of whom theoretically know better. The system for identification, triage, referral and management of care will be followed. His case formulation will be approached from the "Underlying Factors Orientation" and from the "Observable Factors Orientation."

Initial Problem Identification

There is not enough available information to understand the problem. Therefore, Salomon will be referred for several sources of additional data. First, Salomon should be referred for a complete physical examination to determine if there are any physical factors contributing to his educational and emotional problems. He should also be referred for assessments by a neurologist and a psychiatrist. Assessments...
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