universal health care in the U.S. There are numerous compelling arguments in favor of establishing universal health care access in the U.S.; this essay surveys the literature on this topic and presents these arguments.

Providing universal health care would benefit the country as a whole. According to Reuters, Harvard Medical School researchers found that each year nearly 45,000 people, or one every 12 minutes, die because they cannot get medical care (Heavey, 2009). This tragedy happens because Americans lack universal health care.

Access to universal health care should be a right of citizenship, not a privilege reserved for the wealthy and powerful. The U.S. is the only industrialized nation in the world that does not have universal health care. As of 2011, thirty-two of the thirty-three developed nations have universal health care; the U.S. is the only exception (COTO Report, 2011).

A particularly convincing argument in favor of universal healthcare...
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