Neuroscience Supports Differentiated Instruction

Teaching Methods

Differentiated instruction is a fairly new concept in both the areas of neuroscience and education. The integration of research and findings in neuroscience into educational practices such as teaching methods is a fairly recent occurrence as well. The paper provides insight into differentiated instruction and the neuroscientific evidence that exists supporting it as a valid method of teaching in the classroom setting. The paper clarifies what is necessary for academic success for the students and professional success for educators using the model of differentiated instruction.

How Neuroscience Supports Differentiated Instruction

The 21st century has brought upon many innovations and alternative perspectives to learning and education. In recent years, the term "differentiated instruction" has been in circulation regarding teaching methods and to neuroscience. This paper will explain what differentiated instruction in education means and provide evidence that the discipline of neuroscience substantiates the validity of...
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