Women in Genesis

In the Book of Genesis, women are portrayed mostly in a negative light, and are judged by their obedience to God and the patriarchs and how well they fulfill their duties as wives and mothers. God has a plan for the world, but repeatedly the sins of humanity interfere with it, and from Eve onward, women are often portrayed as particularly weak, dishonest or untrustworthy. Adam's duty was to protect the Garden of Eden while both he and Eve were required to "be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it"(Gen 1:28). Because of the disobedience initiated by Eve, humanity is expelled from paradise. Even after God destroys the world in the Great Flood, he commands Noah and his sons to repopulate the earth, although their wives are not even given names (Gen 9:1). Nor do Lot's wife and daughters have names, although he clearly has...
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