Blood Pressure

The three factors of cultural empowerment according to the Pen-3 model can and should be taken into account when working with the target population. Each of the three factors of cultural empowerment: positive, existential/exotic, and negative, impact the overall health of the individual and community. Positive factors of cultural empowerment refer to "the perceptions, enablers and nurturers that may cause an individual, family or community to engage in health practices that contribute to improved health status and must be encouraged," (Campbell, 1995). Within the African-American male community, these positive factors might include the eating of more leafy green vegetables, riding bicycle instead of driving to work, and participating in community projects. Positive factors promote health within the specific frameworks and reference points of the community. Therefore, these lifestyle choices and behaviors do not conflict with core values and identity. They can be an integral part of cultural empowerment...
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