
The Prosperous Autobiography of Phosphorus

Greetings humans, this message is from your friend, Phosphorus. That's Phosphorus with a "-us" and not an "-ous" and it is often misspelled. I am an element, not an adjective. You may not be unaware of the special connection you have with me, but it exists nonetheless. For you see, I, Phosphorus, am "an essential component of living systems and is found in nervous tissue, bones and cell protoplasm." (Winter, 2012)

Quite simply, I am a part of you humans (and many other species) and you could not exist without me, so make sure you eat a balanced diet with appropriate amounts of me! In human beings, I am most present in your bones, including your teeth. I can also be found in your nucleic acids and energy carriers such as DNA or RNA, and lipids & enzymes, respectively. (Chandrasekaran, 2012) I also am...
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