Hunger Games Trilogy

Lions Gate Films Situation Analysis for the Catching Fire Move

Fans Waiting for the Hunger Games Tickets (Orden, 2012)

Business Description -- Movie Industry

motion picture industry includes about 95,000 companies with supporting 2.2 million jobs, and nearly $137 billion in total wages in 2009 (MPAA, 2011). The largest companies in the industry include household names such as the Walt Disney, Sony/MGM, Paramount, Twentieth Century Fox, Universal, and Warner Brothers. These studios are generally part of large publicly traded media companies. Although there are a large number of firms who compete in this industry, the bulk of revenues in the industry are highly concentrated: the 50 largest companies account for roughly eighty percent of total industry revenues. There a large number of firms in the industry that are target to towards various niche services including creative talent, equipment, technical expertise, and various technical production and distribution services....
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