Narrative Proposal: Preschool Classroom

Bright colors have been shown to be extremely stimulating for children. The proposed preschool will feature a brightly-colored room or rooms that are designed to delight the eyes of children. "The favorite color of most preschool children, up to the age of five, is bright red" (Fischer 2011). Using different bright colors also serves the function of teaching children their colors. Posters with labels for colors, numbers, shapes and other basic concepts help reinforce basic skills and ideas that the children are trying to learn.

Hanging mobiles of colors in different shapes can create visual excitement for young children. Different textures in the rugs, walls, and using different-shaped chairs and tables also can stimulate children's minds. These can provide teaching tools for concepts like 'rough' and 'smooth.' From a practical perspective, they accommodate children of different shapes and sizes, but they also allow children to understand...
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