Safe Patient Positioning

It's all about safe positioning in robotic surgery: Protecting Patients, Promoting Safety.

D.Jacqueline Arroyo RN, MIS / Cardiac Robotic Specialist

Massachusetts General Hospital

According to the New England Journal of Medicine, more than 80,000 robotic surgery procedures have been performed since 2008[footnoteRef:1]. As a result, health care institutions are increasingly opting to invest in robotic technologies which offer patience the best quality of care and attractiveness as innovative methods. Although current literature is limited, studies show that patients who undergo robotic-assisted procedures experience reduced surgical time, scarring, blood loss, pain, infection rates, and lengths of stay compared with patients who undergo open or physician led laparoscopic procedures[footnoteRef:2]. Additionally, modern technology has been introduced to ensure three dimensional imaging for optimal patient monitoring and safety.[footnoteRef:3] It is because of these findings that many surgeons and hospitals alike are starting to recognize that robotic assisted techniques have the potential...
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