Machine Learning Method in Bioinformatics

Bioinformatics involves an integrated approach involving the use of information technology, computer science to biology and medicine as professional and knowledge fields. It encompasses the knowledge associated with information systems, artificial intelligence, databases, and algorithms, soft computing, software engineering, image processing, modeling and simulation, data mining, signal processing, computation theory and information, system an d control theory, discrete mathematics, statistics and circuit theory. On the other hand, machine learning entails a sub-division of artificial intelligence and operates with technical skills to permit computers to adapt to certain responses and initiate actions (Zhang et al., 2009). Machine learning entails a range technical knowledge that looks at the scientific application of search engines, natural language processing, bioinformatics, medical diagnosis and cheminformatics, analysis of the stock market, game playing and computer vision.

The development of machine learning has been as a matter of necessity given the fact that,...
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