
The word Hamas is derived from an Arabic phrase, which means Islamic Resistance Movement. Hamas is the largest Palestinian political party that rules over the Gaza and is launched by the Palestinian Sunni Islamists. Presently, Khaled Mashaal is the chief head and Ismail Haniyah is the prime minister of Hamas. The headquarters are found at Gaza and in Palestinian territories (Matthew Levitt, 2006). The story begins with the killing of several Palestinians in a traffic accident done by an Israeli driver and stimulated Sheikh Ahmed Yassin (who was also the head of Muslim Brotherhood) and some others to start a "Muslim brotherhood movement" that made its way towards the creation of Hamas in 1987 (Matthew Levitt, 2006). The party attacked firstly on two Israeli and killed them on the spot in 1989. Because of this act, Yassin was arrested immediately and sentenced life imprisonment while several other Hamas activists...
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