Trusted Friends

Fast Food Nation: Chapter 2 review "Your trusted friends" (31-59)

One of the most striking aspects of McDonald's is the way in which it markets itself as a 'friendly' organization committed to family values, even while it sells food that is blatantly unhealthy and damaging to consumers' health. The Happy Meals it promotes to children have an innocent quality, even while the food is carefully engineered so that it is full of sugar and salt, and designed to 'hook' children at an early age.

According to Chapter 2 of his famous nonfiction book Fast Food Nation, Eric Schlosser does respect certain aspects of the Ray Kroc legacy. As an entrepreneur, Kroc's achievements are impressive. He began with nothing and built an empire just as vast and dominant as Walt Disney's. Kroc was savvy to the impact children could have on a family's consumption habits. Children would 'nag' parents...
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