Bin Laden

In Osama Bin Laden's "Letter to the American People," the Al Qaida leader used the Koran, the holy book of Islam, in order to excuse his actions against the population of the United States. The letter enumerates his feelings, and by extension those of all Al Qaida members, that what he and his organization is doing is justified by God. First, he lists reasons by which America is an aggressor against Muslims and thus their actions are in self-defense. Following this, are the other various reasons why Bin Laden believes that the United States is a sworn enemy and deserving of violent action, most notably their support and defense of Israel. The letter is nothing more than propaganda from a terrorist organization with a slanted and misguided viewpoint, who are trying to defend their actions by willful misinterpretation of the Koran and by misidentifying themselves as Muslims when...
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