Plain Packaging on the Cigarette Market Demand and Supply in Australia

The Australian cigarette market is reported to be a "subset of the global industry." (Carter, 2003) There are three companies operating in Australia including: (1) British American Tobacco Australia (BATA); (2) Philip Morris International (Australia) PMA and (3) Imperial Tobacco Australia (ITA) all whom are wholly owned subsidiaries of their overseas parent. While the Australian tobacco market is a mature market with per capita consumption in decline the tobacco companies "remain highly profitable entities and business is strong…the equivalent of 1100 packs of 25 cigarettes are sold in Australia every minute." (Carter, 2003) Because the tobacco companies are owned by overseas companies, none of them are listed on the Australian Stock Exchange and that means that the information available on the specific local company operations is limited.

Australian Cigarette Brand Examined

Carter (2003) examines brand identity in Australian cigarette...
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