Disease Prevention Strategies

For as long as human beings have fallen ill and succumbed to the ravages of disease, society has struggled to comprehend the invisible menace of microbial germs. The spread of infectious disease from person to person, from home to home, and within entire communities, has always wreaked havoc on humanity, and the field of medicine has struggled to counter the consequences of passable infections. From the Black Death of the 14th century in which over 25 million Europeans, or a third of the continent's total population, were felled by an outbreak of bubonic plague, to the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic that claimed more than 50 million lives globally (Fee, Brown, Lazarus & Theerman, 2001), infectious diseases have managed to adapt to medical advances while becoming increasingly virulent. Even with the major technological advances afforded to modern medicine, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently reported...
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