Power Its Use and Misuse

Use and misuse of power: Different types of power

Power is often conceptualized as a force that is done 'to' someone 'by' something (such as an institution) or someone. However, power is often a far more subtle form of influence. Power is not necessarily 'bad;' rather it is how it is used makes all of the difference. When T.S. Eliot wrote: "Half of the harm that is done in this world is caused by people who have power and want to feel important. They do not mean to do harm; they are simply absorbed in the useless struggle to think well of themselves," he was likely writing about the use of coercive power (Manning & Curtis, p. 143). Coercive power is the typical scenario that comes to mind when people are talking about the potential misuses of power. "This is the power to force someone...
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