
Collaboration among researchers in multiple disciplines is the essence of interdisciplinarity and entails the collective conception, development, and pursuit of a research problem (Simon et al., 757). Doing this effectively requires time to develop a common language, resolve epistemological differences, and define research expectations. It is important that interdisciplinarians have a solid sense of their own strengths and areas for improvement in order to maximum their work in the field. Augsburg offers 21 salient traits that all interdisciplinarians should consider.

Traits I Possess:

Reliability -- This trait is rooted in the quality of trustworthiness, accountability, and integrity; the mark of a constant or known variable. I would further define reliability as being available and possessing the tenacity to see even the most difficult task through to fruition. I often encounter the need for this when I find myself addressing projects with limited resources and tight deadlines.

2. Preference for...
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