Dental Care

The purpose of rhetoric's is to persuade the reader to accept the authors' point-of-view. To that end, the authors take great pains in constructing their argument with emotion and pathos and certain structural stylistic skills that, he thinks, will best persuade the readers and grab their attention. Certain articles have to be written in a more authoritative tone than others, and other articles may have to be crafted in a more humorous or entertaining style than others depending on the targeted reader.

The authors in question, Laheij and colleagues (2011), seem to have a mixed readership. On the one hand, the gist of their article ("Healthcare-associated viral and bacterial infections in dentistry") is slanted towards the professional dentist where they exhort him or her to focus on dentil hygiene. On the other hand, their article may also be said to have a peripheral impact on the lay reader...
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