Individual Automobile Safety Technology

Engineering Ethics

The overarching contribution of the automobile industry to the United States economy is considerable. Approximately 1.067 million intermediate job are engaged in the direct support of the industry. The spin-off jobs that are associated with the industry -- those people who are employed in direct and intermediate positions -- adds an additional 1.765 million to the total job count associated with U.S. motor vehicle manufacturing activities. This brings the total number of jobs to nearly 3.145 million jobs. The ratio of direct employment to total jobs created has a multiplier of 10.0 (3,145,000 / 313,000) -- an excellent ratio in any investment. To put it in simpler, more comprehensible terms, for every single job in the automobile manufacturing industry, there are an additional nine jobs in the entire sector.

Private sector compensation that is associated with the total number of jobs is about $206...
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