Agreeableness & Workplace Diversity

Agreeableness and Workplace Diversity

The Big Five framework of personality traits is a common psychological categorization of very broad dimensions of human personality (Hurtz & Donovan, 2000). The five dimensions are surgency, agreeableness, adjustment, conscientiousness, and openness to experience. Each dimension consists of multiple traits that may be applicable to an individual's personality. Together the Big Five comprise the Five Factor Model (FFM).

Of the five dimensions, agreeableness is probably the least well understood. It references tendencies to attempt to work well with others. Adjectives that best describe agreeableness in a person include compassionate, friendly, social, warm, and easygoing. Many who fall into this category are highly social and make friends easily. In personality assessments those who score highest for agreeableness respond favorably to statements such I am kind to people, warm and caring, I cooperate with others easily, I consider myself as a high performer,...
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