
The classification of gangs is helpful from a sociological and criminological standpoint. However, sociologists must be careful not to carelessly classify groups of individuals as gangs, given that the majority of what are known as street gangs are not as highly organized as the media has presented them to be (Weisel, n.d.). Some law enforcement officers have identified axes of classification based on age of membership, and their orientation toward socializing and partying on the one hand, versus pure delinquency on the other (Weisel, n.d.). Moreover, law enforcement acknowledges that most gangs are loosely knit rather than being hierarchical organizations. There are regional-based classification systems as well as classification systems that take into account the structure and function of the gangs. The urban gangs do tend to be more highly structured and better organized than gangs that are not based on specific urban jurisdictions (Weisel, n.d.). Focused on criminal...
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