, 2007). The nurses at the medical-surgical, trauma, neurological, cardiovascular, cardiology and transplant sections directly and personally confront the various needs of families of the death of a loved one. One nursing author, Jane Felgen, set forth the usefulness of a grieving cart to respond to the needs of grieving families in her article, "A Caring and Healing Environment." Many nursing authors have written about the healing environment based on Nightingale's and Watson's work. One of these authors is Jane Felgen, who described the use of a grieving cart in her article, "A Caring and Healing Environment." It would enhance a milieu to facilitate the grief process (Whitmer et al.) and put to actual practice Watson's theory specifically in the end-of-life period.


As set forth in her theory of human caring, values, assumptions and 10 carative factors or clinical caritas, Jean Watson views the patient as a soul with...
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