
Films as Expressions of a Society's Values

Criminals are glamorous and so are the people who follow them.

The countries to be compared are the United States and Italy.

Each American film has an Italian counterpart that is similar in premise, characters, and sometimes time period.

The films that will be referenced are: Angel of Evil (Italy) -- Blow (USA); Giallo (Italy) -- Se7en (USA); The Girl with the Pistol (Italy) -- I Shot Andy Warhol. (USA)

How is the criminal lifestyle glamorized? How is the criminal lifestyle glorified? The paper will locate and explain examples as well as counterexamples.

The comparison will elucidate which culture glorifies criminals as well as the people who follow them, such as detectives, the media, or people who are fans of their work.

Narrative & Production

A. There must be some initial exposition and/or summary of the plot of each film (brief), as...
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