stratification and what evidence is there to suggest that contemporary Australia is or is not stratified?

Social Stratification refers to the division of society into various hierarchical layers based on their socio-economic conditions. Some groups are given more power and prestige than others, whilst lower groups are dominated by the higher (Homes; Hughes, & Julian, *).

Social stratification is founded on four principles:

It reflects society rather than individual differences and therefore does not work according to meritocracy

(2) It is fixed and transmitted from generation to generation;

(3) It is universal but has different faces in different countries

(4) Social stratification is not just inequality of power but also reflects variances in beliefs to that differ according to groups. For instance, higher groups are more likely to be politically Conservative and to share a certain religion / religious perspective. (Homes; Hughes, & Julian, *).

Social stratification is usually categorized...
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