Stress Management Produced by Staff Conflict in an Organization: Consultation, Diagnosis and Assessment, Implementation and Intervention

The objective of this study is to examine a consultation plan on stress management produced by staff conflict in an organization. Included will be a diagnosis and assessment followed by implementation and intervention.

The work of Varvogli and Darviri (2011) report that stress management is critically important and specifically work-related stress since it is the world's second most frequent health problem with 1/3 of the population of the EU affected by workplace-related stress.

Consultation and Diagnosis

The work of Pedroletti (2005) reports that diagnostic organizational methods include the following stated methods: (1) questionnaires and other instruments; (2) interviews; (3) sensing; (4) Polling; (5) collages; (6) drawings; and (7) physical representation of the organization. Data is stated to be "canned, anonymous and readily analyze" although it does not well support the creation of personal interaction...
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