Mission and vision statements are important ways for organizations to express their purpose and goals; they are also important methods of establishing organizational culture. Developing clear mission and vision statements provide "synergy" for the members of the organization, a sense of worth and direction; and a basis for planning and strategy (David, 2011, p. 50). Moreover, large organizations especially benefit from clear mission and vision statements in that they help the members to reconcile their differences and resolve divergent views (David, 2011, p. 50). A mission statement and a vision statement are similar in their impact on the organization, but different in that a mission expresses "who we are" and "reason for being," whereas a vision expresses "what we want to become," (David, 2011, p. 44-45). Mission statements set the tone and "ensure unanimity of purpose within an organization," and vision statements offer employees motivation for work that goes beyond...
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