Organizational design model

Organizational design article analysis: The future of organizational design

Theories of organizational design predate the Internet revolution. However, the article "The future of organizational design: A forecasting study" suggests that theories of organizational design have undergone major changes in the Internet age. Organizations have shifted away from functional and processed-based models of firm design to other, new design models (Yildiz 2012). The main reason for this is technology. "Depending on its own value chain, an organization can hand over operations that do not require direct control and that do not create a different value; to their business associates. Nowadays, information networks allowing fast and cheap communication with business associates can be created over the internet" (Yildiz 2012). Organizations can become highly specialized and delegate more and more of their functions to outside entities. In contrast to previous eras, they do not have to have face-to-face contacts with...
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