Hospice Care and Catholic Ethics

Is Hospice care consistent with Catholic bioethics? Chapple, in her discussion of the topic "Hospice care" in Catholic health care ethics, argues that ultimately the answer is yes, but she acknowledges that there are levels of difficulty in answering the question (Chapple 2009). The ethics of Hospice care present us with a complicated question, insofar as Catholic teachings on end-of-life care have at times provoked public controversy -- the most noteworthy example within recent memory was the Congressional and Presidential intervention in Terri Schiavo case, which brought Catholic teachings about medical intervention at the end of life into national debate and discussion. The Schiavo case was about a straightforward case of euthanasia, and to a certain degree Catholic teachings about hospice care resemble (in their logic about the nature and purpose of human life and death) the Catholic teachings about larger end-of-life issues. The ultimate...
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