Zippittelli v. J.C. Penney Company Case Study

Case Summary

The case of Zippittelli v. J.C. Penney Company stems from a hiring dispute between the plaintiff, Joanne Zippittelli, and her employer, J.C. Penney Company. In the summer of 2004 the plaintiff worked for the defendant as a general lead clerk in the Call Service Center, and after being informed by her boss that the position of shift operations manager had become available, the plaintiff elected to apply. As one of four women applying for the promotion, each of whom held the same job title at the time, the plaintiff expected her application to be given an equal level of appraisal as her peers during the hiring process conducted by Personnel Manager James Johnson. Instead, according to the plaintiffs allegations before the United States District Court, although the plaintiff passed the interview phase of the hiring process along with two other applicants,...
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