Canterbury Tales are a collection of stories written by Geoffrey Chaucer in the late 1300s. At the end of the contest and pilgrimage, the person who has told the best story will win a free meal at the Tabard Inn in Southwark. Among the most popular tales in the book are "The Knight's Tale," "The Miller's Tale," and "The Wife of Bath's Tale."

"The Knight's Tale" is a story that follows Arcite and Palamon, cousins who are captured by the duke of Athens, Theseus. The cousins are imprisoned in a tower in Theseus's castle that overlooks a garden. One morning, Palamon awakes and looking out the cell's window, spots Emily, instantly falling in love with her. Arcite is woken up by Palamon, and looking out the window, instantly falls in love with Emily too. The cousins' fierce love for Emily causes them to grow apart and hate each other, which...
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