Nonverbal Communication Skills

In in-person or face-to-face communication approximately 60% of the meaning is an outcome of non-verbal behaviour." We have actually all heard-- and stated -- "physical actions speak louder than words." Actions have been so essential to our communication that analysts have estimated that within face-to-face communication as much as 60% of the social meaning is a result of nonverbal behaviour. In other words, the meaning we appoint to any communication is founded upon not only the content within the verbal message but also our analysis of the nonverbal behaviour that accompanies as well as overlaps the verbal message. And translating these nonverbal actions has not always been the most convenient thing to do (Vantgage learning, 2009).

Attributes of Nonverbal Communication

Nonverbal communication stands out from spoken communication in that it is continuous as well as multi-channelled. It might be unintentional and uncertain. The non-verbal aspect of the...
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