Pain Management in Post-Operative Patients

Pain suffered patients undergoing surgery. The severity pain vary patient. It nurse caring patient postoperative phase manages patient's pain. Questions arise pain assessment, nurses estimation mismanagement patient pain, modes administration medical orders pain management suitable.

Pain Management in Post-Operative Patients

Effective pain control in post-operative patients is essential in ensuring patient's quick recovery, earlier mobilization and lower cost and higher patient satisfaction. The immune system of patients who have undergone surgery is suppressed owing to the surgery. The suppression is proportionate to the level of invasion by the surgery thereby, necessitating proportionate pain management measures. For effective post-operative pain management, consider the patient's physics, physiology, age and type of surgery (Vadivelu et al., 2010).

Tissue damage in surgical procedures is inevitable and results in pain to patients depending on their age, sex, and the degree of invasion by the surgery. Inadequacy of pain relief yields...
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