" [footnoteRef:9] This wide rift in ideologies considerably weakened the Republican Party to crisis proportions.[footnoteRef:10] in the 1952 Republican primaries, the "Old Guard" was represented by Senator Robert a. Taft while the moderates were represented by Dwight D. Eisenhower.[footnoteRef:11] With the idea of saving the Republican Party from the extremism of Taft and McCarthy, Eisenhower won the Republican nomination for the 1952 Presidential election and handily beat Adlai Stevenson for the Presidency.[footnoteRef:12] Republican Conservatism was regenerated through the rise of Eisenhower and the moderate wing he represented to premiere national prominence as the New Republicanism[footnoteRef:13] and to the Presidency.[footnoteRef:14] Through actively sought bipartisan cooperation, Eisenhower's administration worked effectively on the domestic front, backing aspects of the New Deal, expanding aspects of Social Security, and working effectively toward desegregation[footnoteRef:15]; meanwhile, Eisenhower also worked effectively in foreign affairs in such countries as Korea, China and the Middle East.[footnoteRef:16] in sum, Eisenhower's and...
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