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Naturopathy Essays and Research Papers

Instructions for Naturopathy College Essay Examples

Essay Instructions: ? From the perspective of your modality: (naturopathy)
o Discuss how it fits within the public health system
o In your answer be sure to consider, the role of the practitioner and the scope of practice, within the Public Health System
o Your essay will be marked for your knowledge of both your modality, the Public Health System, and evidence of research into the topic area.

? It is to be word processed in Arial 11 point font.
? Line spacing must be 1.5 lines.
In text referencing

Excerpt From Essay:

Title: Medical Anthropology

Total Pages: 6 Words: 2299 Sources: 20 Citation Style: Chicago Document Type: Research Paper

Essay Instructions: Need an Annotated Bibliography in Chicago/AAA style/format.
Have specific sources already which I wish to use.
Topic: Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

Altshuler, L. (2004). BALANCED HEALING: Combining Modern Medicine & Safe & Effective Alternative Therapies, National Book Network.
A reference guide for anyone who wants to take advantage of alternative healing methods, without giving up the high-tech benefits of modern medicine. Divided into two sections, the first part of the book addresses what experiences one might encounter from either conventional and alternative medicine. This is done via comparison of advantages, issues, benefits and risks of both approaches. The second section within the book, serves as a desk reference for most common ailments with corresponding treatment protocols for each. Very detailed with step-by-step application possibilities for the use of both treatment options to maximize benefits of blending both.

Baer, H. A. (2001). Biomedicine and Alternative Healing Systems in America: Issues of Class, Race, Ethnicity, and Gender. U. o. W. Press: +222.
This book explores dimensions of medical pluralism in the United States between 19th-20th centuries. Argument presented that both private corporations and government agencies have allowed biomedicine to dominate the existing Health care alternatives, beginning in the early years of the 20th century.

Baer, H. A. (2003). "The Work of Andrew Weil and Deepak Chopra - Two Holistic/New Age Gurus: A Critique of the Holistic/New Age Movements." Medical Anthropology Quarterly 17(2): 233-250.
Two biomedically trained physicians have emerged as visible and financially successful spokespersons of the Holistic/New Age medical Movements. This article examines how their exposures have impacted other practitioners and how they are ultimately perceived and accepted.

Brady, E., Ed. (2001). Healing Logics: Culture and Medicine in Modern Health Belief Systems. Utah, Utah State University Press.
Within this book, can be found a compilation of essays discussing the rich diversity of health belief systems across a variety of cultures. The introduction by Erika Brady, elegantly weaves together an interdiciplinary tapestry which travels in and out through folklore and medicine.

Elling, R. H. (1981). "Introduction: Relations between traditional and modern medical systems." Social Science and Medicine 15A(2): 87-88.
Medical pluralism from a sociological perspective. Addressing the use of medicine by Western governments as a means of social control. The relationships between medical approaches and the political and economic structure of nations/countries are primary themes for Elling within this article. Quality Control, patient care issues surrounding trust, as well as the changing face of developing countries and how the health care systems are managed depending on available viability of resources affects the type of care received by the people in those regions.

Fadlon, J. (2005). Negotiating the Holistic Turn: The Domestication of Alternative Medicine, State University of New York Press: 176.
Fadlon introduces the term (NCM) non conventional medicine, to discuss Alternative and Complementary Medical Therapies. Public demand has increased the popularity and integration of NCM. Once considered an anti-establishment outsider by those who exclussively embraced the standard practice of traditional medicine, NCM's popularity and accesibility has continued to grow as more and more information regarding treatments has been made available. This is what she refers to in in making mention of "the Domestication" . When the previously considered foreign practice, becomes something familiar and even common place.

Johannessen, H. (2005). Multiple Medical Realities: Patients And Healers in Biomedical, Alternative And Traditional Medicine, Berghahn Books.
A collection of articles exploring medical pluralism and bodily experiences from a global perspective. Healing and the Mind Body connections are an underlying and constant theme. As the phycicality of illness is discussed, so are emotional and psychological components. Each culture and belief system having that commonality. The inherent need to treat body and mind together.

Judd, S. (2006). Complementary and Alternative Medicine Sourcebook. Complementary and Alternative Medicine Sourcebook. Detroit, MI, Omnigraphics Inc.
The Complementary and Alternative Medicine Sourcebook offers basic consumer information about complementary and alternative medical therapies including accupuncture, ayurveda, traditional Chinese medicine, herbal medicine, homeopathy, naturopathy, biofeedback, hypnotherapy, yoga, art therapy, gastrointestinal disorders, etc. Itlso includes resource lists for additional help and information. In a nutshell, and at your fingertips information.

Kassirer, M. A. (1998). "Alternative Medicine - The Risks of Untested and Unregulated Remedies." New England Journal of Medicine 339(12): 839-841.
Offers a collection of articles exploring what sets apart alternative medicine from traditional or "ordinary" medicine. The set of articles also set forth the need for more scientific research to be done, surrounding the effects of alternative therapies. And cautions against the unregulated and therefor lack of need for certification or documentation of practitioners. Overall it does bring to light the need for further understanding and cooperation between modalities of practice.

Longe, J. L. (2005). The Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine. The Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine.
The Gale Encyclopedia is beautifully illustrated and organized. Sharing articles from prominent health practitioners and referensing therapies, remedies and common medical diseases and conditions. The encyclopedia lists Therapies by origin, general benefits, precautions or contraindications, etc. Herbal remedies are described for general use, method of preparation, precautions, possible side effects, etc. and Diseases and conditions are discussed by definition, description, causes and symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, etc. By avoiding the typical medical jargon, this encyclopedia serves as a great resource which anyone could access and benefit from.

Larry Trivieri, T. A. H. M. A. (2001). The American Holistic Medical Association Guide to Holistic Health: Healing Therapies for Optimal Wellness, Wiley: 448.
Providing an overview of modalities and their respective applications by highlighting unifying themes and distinctive features of health systems around the world and through different ages. The book reviews, Nutritional Medicine, Environmental Medicine, Mind-Body Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Osteopathic Medicine, Chiropractic, Botanical Medicine, and Bodywork/Massage among many, many others. Another fascinating book, but unlike the encyclopedic texts which have been mentioned in previous annotations, this book is not only informative but it delivers a hands on approach for either someone who is interested in taking responsibility for their own health or as a resource to professional practitioners who want to research and learn basic forms of treatment as stepping-stone to explore future treatment options for their patients.

Marilyn Sclitz, M. S. M., Tina Amorok, Tina ion Micozzi (2005). Consciousness and Healing: Integral Approaches to Mind-Body Medicine, Churchill Livingstone.
Collection of essays which focus on belief systems and healing. Contrary to the typical approach of compartmentalizing disease and medical treatment, this approach deals with the emotional, physical and spiritual aspects of individuals and how those connections assist in their experience and treatment of diseases. Learning from emerging leaders in the field of integral medicine and consciousness research, this book offers a comprehensive view on a very complex set of issues and approaches each from multidisciplinary, multidimensional and scientific perspectives.

Matthew Schneirov, J. D. G. (2003). A Diagnosis for Our Times: Alternative Health, from Lifeworld to Politics, State University ofNew Yrok Press.
This book examines the health regimes followed by clients of alternative practitioners, the way in which people find meaning and the relationship between alternative health and other movements for change. The authors evaluate the potential for alternative healthcare practices to create a shift in the overall healthcare paradigm by creating or contributing to higher social/cultural awareness and involvement.

Medicine, N. C. f. C. a. A. (2000). Expanding Horizons of Healthcare: five-year strategic plan, 2001-2005, National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM). N. I. o. Health. Gaithersburg, Maryland, U.S. Department of Health and human Services, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health: 44.
In this report, the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) outline the first ever, five-year-strategic plan covering years 2000-2005. Consisting of four major sections: 1) case for action, 2) future directions, 3) the strategic plan itself, 4) and appendices. The report places majority of concentration on the strategic plan outlines in which the mission and vision of the NCCM are discussed at length. Strategic areas include: research, training of CAM investigators, expanding outreach, and facilitating of integration.

Micozzi, M. S. (2002). "Culture, Anthropology and the Return of "Complementary Medicine"." Medical Anthropology Quarterly: 398-414.
Micozzi delivers, that Alternative medicine and Biomedicine can be better understood by utilizing Anthropology and Social sciences in unraveling the limitations of the current biomedical model and by adding observations brought to the forefront from cross-cultural and diverse perspectives. Micozzi, a phycisian-anthropologist works to create science-based tools for health professionals to be better informed and productively engaged in the new and emerging fields of complementary and alternative (CAM) medicines. By fosterring communication and cooperation between the two.

O'Connor, B. B. (1994). Healing Traditions: Alternative Medicine and Health Professions (Studies in Health, Illness, and Caregiving), University of Pennsylvania Press.
Blair-O'Connor discusses healing belief systems and the relevance these have on affecting therapies and treatment outcomes. By providing a thorough look at the care, compassion and understanding necessary to effectively gain trust, respect and affect those being cared for. It is through this careful observation and respect of various belief systems that we may be able to find common ground, in addressing specific needs.

Ruggie, M. (2004). Marginal to Mainstream: Alternative Medicine in America, Cambridge University Press.

The focus of this book is the integration of therapies between Complementary and Alternative and Biomedicine. In a newly emerging field of Integrative medicine, which combines elements of each(CAM and Biomedicine) in paving the way for legitimate and effective practices. Funding by the National Institutes of Health, is leading to research which will assist in determining which therapies have high efficacy and which bring up issues of safety and inefficacy of others.

Snow, L. F. (1998). Walkin' Over Medicine. Detroit, Wayne State University Press. A405.
Ethnographic study of Health beliefs within African American, "traditional medicine." Based on community-based studies in Arizona and Michigan over a period of twenty years, Snow took time to get to know the people he was working with, developed life long friendships and had a deep understanding of these communities and their folklore.

Tovey, P. (2004). The Mainstreaming of Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Studies in Social Context, ROutledge.
This book discusses the Social context of CAM. it is said that, the Complementary and Alternative Medicinal movement functions on two levels. 1) first level functions as an interest group, that lobbies for reform, informing the public, developing coalitions among many players. 2) the second level, functions as a subculture. Very much alienated from the standards of biomedicine and behaving as a somewhat disenfranchised and bastard child. A very informative look at, the social forces at play in the integration of CAM with traditional medicine.

Waldram, J. B. (2000). "The Efficacy of Traditional Medicine: Current Theoretical and Methodological Issues." Medical Anthropology Quarterly Dec 14(4): 603-605.
This article critically examines biases inherent in the utilization of biomedical practices, understanding and methods and how these differ greatly from the evaluation and validation of those of Complementary and Alternative Medical (CAM ) therapies and practices.

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Excerpt From Essay:

Essay Instructions: TASK: Traditional Evidence ? A critical review of the literature on any topic
relating to traditional knowledge (not scientific research) utilised in your
field of interest.
o This assignment is NOT an essay. Please pay attention to the structure given, and the
focus on EVALUATING THE SOURCE not just presenting it at face value:
Step 1. Find at least 2 traditional evidence sources pertaining to the discipline you are
studying ( Naturopathy). You will not be able to find these in
standard databases for scientific research evidence.
o A traditional evidence source is original documentation from the origins of a
particular modality (ie. Schussler?s books on Tissue Salts), or documents that
were written at the times when these remedies were frequently being used (ie.
Culpeper?s Herbal), or at times of great development in a modality (The Yellow
Emperor?s Inner Canon). It is possible to utilise secondary sources as long as
these are directly referring to the original information.
o Primary or original sources are the original writing about a topic
o Secondary sources are translations or reviews of this original information
o Additional ideas for sources of this information can be found at the end of this
document, as well as in the week 1 screen cast. The library also has a section
under the subjects guide tab on their homepage In the week 5 lecture we cover
reviewing the literature and writing reviews, while the tutorial has a mind map
activity which can be utilised in assisting with identifying and expanding your
search ideas and then deciding which you will include in the review given the
word limit.
o You will need to utilise a selection of e-books, search engines and libraries (both
Endeavour, state and other local libraries) to access appropriate information,
which most likely will come in the form of books. It is OK to reference a website
as long at these sites directly reference the original sources.
o Traditional evidence does NOT include any fad diet trends, even if they have
been around for a decade or two!
o The more suitable information you can find the better, as this adds to the strength
of the treatments used for particular conditions when they corroborate each
? Endeavour College of Natural Health BIOQ121_AssessmentB_S2_2013
Last updated on 27-Jun-13 Page 2 of 4
Step 2. Choose a topic that can be found in all of your traditional evidence sources that
includes a disease condition (ie. Headaches) and a treatment (ie. Feverfew)
? It can help to initially locate a number of different traditional sources and read
widely, prior to deciding on a topic as what you initially choose may not have
much, if any, available literature. You can then choose a topic that you have
been able to find information on.
Step 3. Write a 750 word critical review of this literature that includes the following structure:
*Do not write a collection of direct quotes from the sources as this is not really an
acceptable way to write at a tertiary education level. Direct quotes should only be used
when rewriting it would lose meaning and context.
o Introduction
? Introduce the topic you have chosen
? A little background on the topic
? Introduce the literature you have found and the basis for your selection of this
o Main body
? Explain each source of evidence and what it says on the treatment you have chosen
(1 per Paragraph)
??Discuss its strengths and limitations as a source (originally written in another
language, not validated by other sources at the time, information about the author if
known and any other generalized conclusions you can draw pertaining to the
o Conclusion
? See if you can draw any conclusions from what you have found (Were the sources
similar enough to combine their results? Did the sources raise more questions than
they answered? Should there be further research into an area to assess this? Has
enough evidence been compiled to draw any conclusions? Are there major gaps in
the knowledge?)
Step 4. Write a Cover page for the beginning of your document including your name, student
number, subject and assignment name, as well as word count. Also save your word document
to be uploaded including the subject, which assignment and your name.
Step 5. Include in-text referencing and a Reference list at the end of the document in Harvard
Referencing style. Check the Endeavour Referencing Style Guide and recorded presentation
on the LMS (week 3 resources), or your campus librarian for more details and assistance should
you require.

Excerpt From Essay:

Essay Instructions: TYPE: Assignment C. Scientific Evidence
WORD COUNT: 750 words only ( ? 10% is permissible without penalty)
TASK: Do a critical scientific literature review to find information on a
research question you have developed relating to scientific
evidence utilised in your field of interest.(naturopathy)
? This assignment requires you to formulate a suitable research question (PICO), then utilise
databases and search tools to locate and retrieve scientific sources of information, choosing
primary research articles as opposed to reviews where possible.
? You are free to choose a topic of your choice.
? The information you find will be used to write a short review (750 words) on this topic. Word
count excludes tables, references and appendices. Writing tips below??
? You have been provided with some good starting points in the lecture material, as well as
were able to gain a good scope of how to access and what you might look for in the tutorials.
? Tips on how to expand or narrow your search terms is provided in the week 6 tutorial in your
subject study guide.
? It is also important that you comment on the quality of the research articles you have located.
Hint on what to look for is covered in week 6, as well as in depth in subsequent lectures.
? Things to include in your critique -
o Does the design suit the aim of the study
o Internal and external validity
o Clinical relevance of the results
Research inclusions
1. Use primary sources wherever possible.
2. Use secondary sources only where primary sources cannot be accessed.
3. Never use lecture notes, self-published books, manufacturers? information sheets or
product manuals. Magazines or newspaper articles, anecdotal reports, non-reputable
internet sites, self-help groups etc.
4. Use websites only as a guide to primary sources
? Endeavour College of Natural Health BIOQ121_AssessmentC_S2_2013
Last updated on 27-Jun-13 Page 2 of 3
The format of the assignment should include
? Word count to be clearly displayed on the cover sheet or title page
? The assignment should be typed using standard conservative fonts such as Times New
Roman or Arial of at least 11 point and 1.5 spaced.
? Fully referenced as per the Endeavour style guide.
? Cover page for the beginning of your document including your name, student number,
subject and assignment name, as well as word count. Also save your word document to
be uploaded including the subject, which assignment and your name.
Submission of assignment
? The written component of this assessment will be submitted online via turn-it-in no later than
11:55 pm AEST Sunday Week 14.
? Late submissions, in the absence of an authorised extension, will incur a deduction of marks
in accordance with Endeavour College of Natural Health policy.
Evaluating your research question
Ask the following 8 questions to evaluate the quality of your research question and the ease
with which you should be able to answer it:
1. Does the question deal with a topic or issue that interests me enough to spark my own
thoughts and opinions?
2. Is the question easily and fully researchable?
3. What type of information do I need to answer the research question?
4. Is the scope of this information reasonable?
5. Given the type and scope of the information that I need, is my question too broad, too
narrow, or o.k.?
6. What sources will have the type of information that I need to answer the research
question (journals, books, internet resources, government documents, people)?
7. Can I access these sources?
? Endeavour College of Natural Health BIOQ121_AssessmentC_S2_2013
Last updated on 27-Jun-13 Page 3 of 3
8. Given my answers to the above questions, do I have a good quality research question
that I actually will be able to answer by doing research?
?How to? of critical scientific literature reviews
Introduce the topic you have chosen: This literature review compiles and evaluates Scientific
evidence of the treatment of Spondylolisthesis using yoga treatment.
A little background on the topic: Yoga has been used to improve the symptoms of
musculoskeletal disorders based on the traditional usage going back 100s of years (Reference)
Introduce the literature that you found: 3 scientific studies were found that studied the
effectiveness of regular yoga treatment in Spondylolisthesis?
Main Body of Review
Briefly explain the study and its findings:
The first study found was a case-control non-experimental study where 69 participants?blah
Then assess study design, quality etc.: Although this study aimed to effectively evaluate the
yoga treatment for these reasons?.the problems with the study were (ie. Not enough
participants to claim a large generalisability (external validity), not enough control over other
therapies the participants were using or study wasn?t long enough to show an effect (internal
validity) etc. etc.)
Do this for each of the studies you have found.
See if you can draw any conclusions from what you have found: Were the studies similar
enough to combine their results? Did the studies raise more questions than they answered
(should there be further research into an area to assess this) Has enough evidence been
compiled to draw any conclusions? What are the clinical implications, if any, of the results?
Must be in Harvard referencing style (see Harvard Referencing Guide on the LMS or book in
with your campus librarian to learn how to do it). You also need to use in-text references for all
facts you write in your review in the Harvard Referencing style.

Excerpt From Essay:

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