Essay Instructions: Case Study 4 pages
In this case study you will make up a case of a person struggling with a drug problem. You will detail the following things in your assignment:
1) Background of the person (addict)- name, where they live, gender, age, number of times arrested (and for what type of offenses), marital status, number of children, occupation
a) age and circumstances when first started using
2) Drug(s) person uses (must be a substance covered in powerpoint)- include amount and frequency in the description; method of delivery (oral, injection, etc.)
a) List the street names for each of the above
3) Detail the chemical reaction the drug(s) display in the body-nervous system effects, etc.
4) Effects of overdose and withdraw symptoms for the drugs mentioned above
5) Prevention techniques that could have been used
6) Treatment modality recommended
Most of the information covered in # 1 and 2 are fictitious (in other words- you make it up). Information you provide in #3-6 must be based on research and information from the course material. The formatting for the assignment is outline paragraph form.
Bensley, J.Robert & Fisher-Brookins, Jodi (2009) Community Health Education Methods a Practical Guide. 3rd Edition. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
Bruess, C.E. & Greenberg, J.S. (2009). Sexuality Education: Theory & Practice. 5th Edition. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
Buchanan, D.R. (2000). An Ethic for Health Promotion: Rethinking the
Sources of Human Well-Being. New York: Oxford University Press.
Dziegielewski, Sophia F. (2005). Understanding Substance Addiction- Assessment and Intervention. Chicago, IL: Lyceum Books, Inc.
Goldberg, R. (2003). Drugs Across the Spectrum. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning.
Grilly, David M. (2002). Drugs and Human Behavior. 4th Edition. Boston, MA: A Pearson Education on Company.
Hales, D. (2008). An Invitation to Health. Belmont, CA: Thomson
Hanson, Glen R., Venturelli, Peter J., & Fleckenstein, Annette E. (2009).
Student Study Guide to Accompany Drugs and Society. 10th Edition. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
Ksir, Charles & Ray Oakley. (2006). Drugs, Society, and Human
Behavior. 11th Edition. New York, New York: McGraw-Hill.
Lee, P.R. & Estes, C.L. (2003). The Nation?s Health. Sudbury, MA: Jones
& Bartlett Publishers.
Levinthal, Charles F. (2003). Point/Counterpoint: Opposing Perspective on
Issues of Drug Policy. Perason Education, Inc.
McKenzie, J.F., Pinger, R.R., Kotecki, J.E. (2008). An Introduction to Community Health. 6th Edition. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
Puza, R. Roger. (2008) Health Education Ideas and Activities. Sheridan
Swartz, J.A., O?Brien, P., Lungro, A.J. (2006). Drugs, Women and Justice.
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Online Websites for Drug and Alcohol Prevention
? Alcoholics Anonymous:
Narcotics Anonymous:
? National Institute of Drug Abuse:
? National Library of Medicine: ml
? Northern California Region of Narcotics Anonymous:
? Substance Abuse and Mental health Services Administration:
? US Department of Health and Human Services:
? World Health Organization: