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Title: magic and its different affects on the characters of walpoles

Total Pages: 5 Words: 1692 Works Cited: 0 Citation Style: APA Document Type: Essay

Essay Instructions: paper needs to compare yet not be exactly a comparison contrast paper. it is to be on the different affects of magic on the characters of the two books "the monk" by matthew lewis and "the caste of otronto" by horace walpole. it is to be on the different affects of the magic how in the monk it leads to the demisa of the monk and in the castle of otronto it leads manfred being taken out of power which is a good thing since the crown was not his. also the steps which led to the final effects of the magic and the reasons. sources need to be cited and a participle phrase, an apositive and an absolute must be included at least once. thank you.

Excerpt From Essay:

Essay Instructions: Project 1

Paper Due: Friday, April 8th, 2011 Beginning of class!!!!

Length: 4-5 pages

Format: Typed in a 12-point font (Times New Roman), double-spaced, 1-inch margins, with name and course number in the upper left hand corner. YOU MUST ATTACH A TICKET/PROGRAM/ETC?I.E. PROOF YOU WERE THERE. Staple this proof to your paper. No staple? I reserve the right to deduct 15 points from your paper. No covers or folders, please. Please follow standard MLA style guidelines for grammar, punctuation, etc. Provide a descriptive title.

Preparation for the project:
In the first week of class, choose a concert to attend sometime before April 8th that strongly features ?art? (?classical?) music from any time between 1400 and 2011. Write a proposal giving the concert date and time and listing the pieces that will be performed. You must submit the proposal and receive my approval before attending the concert.
Choose a piece of music from the concert you attend. Of course, it would be ideal if you actually like the piece that you choose, but it is probably more important to your project?s success that you choose a piece that sounds intriguing, unusual, or challenging to you. Listen to the piece you?ve chosen again an absolute minimum of five times. This will mean one of two things: either 1) you will need to purchase a recording of the work (from, ebay, itunes, etc.), or 2) you will need to listen to the piece from a library recording or free online source. If you choose an online source, email me the link so that I can check it out. The internet is a great resource but there are also many poor recordings/versions of famous pieces that we would like to avoid!

Content (Part I):
Write a 4-5 page paper demonstrating that you can use the things you?ll be learning in MUSI1306 to aid your listening in a live concert experience.
(A) Describe the concert generally (i.e. the concert hall, audience, general atmosphere).
(B) Pick two or three things in the course of the concert that really capture your attention musically and discuss them in detail. Use musical terminology from the lectures and book to describe your listening experience as specifically as you can (i.e. describe textures, timbres, dynamics, etc.). You must demonstrate through the paper that you stayed the ENTIRE concert. Partial concert attendance = partial points.
(C) Briefly review the concert. Did you like it? Dislike it? Why or why not (be specific here)? Also, what could be done differently to enhance the experience (different setting/time/place etc.). Be creative and thoughtful in your response.
**Note: You need to make sure you have a program during the concert; this is your guide, and without it you will be lost. Try to arrive early and read through the program notes to get a sense of what you?re about to listen to. I recommend that you quietly take notes about the pieces during the concert (ideally between pieces) so that you can remember what impressed you more accurately when it comes time to write your paper. Attach the program to your project! Do not quote the program without proper citation. I do not want a history lesson about the pieces. I want to hear YOUR thoughts and impressions on the concert.

Content, (Part II):
Once you know the piece by heart,
(A) describe in considerable detail the experience of listening to the recorded version of this piece of music (I don?t want to limit you, but you should push yourself to grapple with some of the following: texture, melody/harmony, rhythm, instrumentation, form, technology, multimedia, and performance space) and
(B) consider how your concert experience differs from a) the recording and b) the way this music might have been performed originally. Do you think the change of situation (recording vs. concert) makes this music more or less effective? Do you think anything could be done concerning either listening situation (recording or live performance) to make the music more effective? Please don?t think I want you to write a research paper about this piece; I want your thoughts and your listening experience. No one else?s will do. You should not need to reference any published material other than the recording to complete this project. It goes without saying, then, that this is NOT a project about composers? lives! Follow the guidelines and DON?T fill your paper with unnecessary biographical information, shoddy internet musicology, etc.

Assessment: I will read your papers, which will be returned before the next project due date.

Prose clarity/Style = 50 points
Preparation (attending concert/finding and listening to recording) = 25 points
Part I = 75 points
Part II = 100 points

Total = 250 pts

Above is the rubric for the concert review. Here is some more information you can use. My professor said the paper needs to be written in past tense. Avoid using contractions at all times. Avoid using the vernacular also. When putting the titles of the piece of music it needs to be italicized. She mentioned talking about the live performance and two three things that you noticed that stood out to you. Then comparing it to the recorded work and noting the value of both of the pieces being performed live and recorded. I need the writers to listen to the recorded works and then compare them to the live performance. The live performance that the writers did not see, they can make something up. i Just need it to sound good and and to be accurate. She mentioned how the conductor maybe acted towards different musicians in the orchestra. I need the concert hall described also and the audience described also. The concert I attended was the Dallas Symphony orchestra's performance of Tchaikovsky. The pieces of music performed were in two parts. the first part was his Concerto No.1 in b-flat minor for piano and orchestra, Opus 23.
it said in the program Allegro non troppo e molto maestoso - Allegro con spirito Adantino semplice - Prestissimo - Tempo I Allegro con fuoco.

The second part was Tchaikovsky Manfred Symphony, Opus 58. Lento Lugubre - Moderato con moto Vivace con spirito Adante con moto Allegro con fuoco.

Jaap van Zweden is the conductor
Olga Kern was the guest musician on piano.

The concert was held at the Morton H Meyerson Symphony center. I am sure you can find an article describing the center. like it says in the rubric to do. I hope this is enough for you to go on. I do need it double spaced in the font and style listed in the rubric. I do need the writers to listen to a recorded version of the pieces to compare them to the live experience. I do want the paper varied so my experience at the symphony differs form the recorded version, when describing the piece of music. Please let me know that this is enough detail to go on. Please just follow the rubric to a T. Please email it. Please put in the top left hand corner My name and Music 1306 below my name. Also please use a descriptive title for the essay. Thank you for your time. I also guess that the copy will be sent to me via email. I do use a apple mac so please make sure i can open the file. when it is sent to me. Please use my name as Thad Johnson in the top left hand corner.

Thank you


Excerpt From Essay:

Title: The Transformation of the Promethean Myth in Byron Percy Bysche and Mary Shelley

Total Pages: 18 Words: 4579 Sources: 0 Citation Style: APA Document Type: Essay

Essay Instructions: Read/Use Byron's Manfred and Prometheus, Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, and Percy B Shelley's Prometheus unbound. Firstly identify the Promethean myth. How and why does it relate to all three authors. Why do they use the myth and how? How and to what extent do these texts rework the myth of prometheus. Go beyond identification of similarities between the text and the myth and emphasize the changes the authors make to the myth. What does the myth say to each they all have a common experience?

The Promethean Myth burns like white hot flame in the fore-front of the romantic mind, flickering and dancing as an enlightened spark. If we examine some of the most popular works of Byron, Percy B, and Mary Shelley we begin to see the promethean image as a unifying flame which jumps, inter-connects, and transforms like a raging all-consuming wild fire throughout each of their collective conciousnes.

Quotes and examples from the works are to be used to support this theory. As well as critical support. Use hard sources (books)rather than internet research.

Use the Nortan critical reader on Byron, Shelley, and Mary Shelley. Also recent or newly published sources when possible.

Excerpt From Essay:

Title: Emotional Intelligence

Total Pages: 33 Words: 9097 References: 0 Citation Style: MLA Document Type: Research Paper

Essay Instructions: Below is a description (dissertation prospectus)for the paper. This is a Literature Review only which is required to be an exhaustive review of the topic--emotional intelligence (EI), with direction toward EI as a predictor of career success and associated claims.

The outline below is only for guidance, not rigid. My Doctoral program is DBA (business administration).


I. Narrative

My dissertation proposal will examine the relationship or role of emotional intelligence in effective leadership and job success. In terms of conceptual definition, Peter Salovey (Yale University) and John Mayer (University of New Hampshire) view emotional intelligence as a set of skills hypothesized to contribute to the accurate interpretation and expression of emotion in oneself and others; also, the effective regulation of emotion, and the use of feelings to motivate, plan, and achieve success . The better-known Daniel Goleman has popularized emotional intelligence to a more vast audience outside the world of academia. Goleman has defined emotional intelligence as the ability to rein in emotional impulse; to read another's innermost feelings; to handle relationships smoothly. In the early 1990?s Daniel Goleman became aware of the writings of Salovey and Mayer. At that time Goleman was a science writer for the New York Times who wrote mainly on the subjects of the brain and behavior research.

The potential direction of my study will examine the claims associated with emotional intelligence (EI), specifically that EI is an essential component of effective leadership and predictor of success. One of the most oft referred to research study presented to support EI as a predictor of future success is a study of 80 Ph.D.?s in Science from Berkeley University. The doctoral students at Berkeley underwent a cadre of personality tests, IQ tests, and interviews in the 1950?s. Forty years later a team of experts from the field of science evaluated the success, prestige, and accomplishments of the Berkeley graduates. One of the findings revealed that social and emotional abilities were four times more important as a variable than IQ in determining the professional success and prestige. Also of importance, some researchers hold that most failures in management occurs due to a lack of emotional intelligence (i.e., Lombardo and McCauley). Studies on the subject reveal that managerial derailment usually does not occur due to a lack of cognitive, technical or educational skills. The derailment is more often associated with character flaws such as lack of awareness, an inability to change, poor treatment of others, and problems with interpersonal relationships (i.e., Shipper & Dillard).

For clarification, my proposed approach will be to evaluate the level of emotional intelligence between organizational executive staff and organizational non-management staff. If EI is a predictor of sustainable leadership and job success then it should be evident in present day situations in organizational life. More clearly, organizational executive staff would possess a significantly higher level of EI than non-management professional staff.

II. Bibliography of Past Related Readings

Abraham, R. (2000).The role of job control as a moderator of emotional dissonance and
emotional intelligence-outcome relationships. Journal of Psychology, Vol.134, 2.

Abraham, R. (1999). Emotional intelligence in organizations: a conceptualization.genetic, social,
& general psychology monographs, Vol.126, 2.

BarOn, R. (1996). The Emotional quotient inventory (EQ-1): A test of emotional
intelligence. Toronto: Multi-Health Systems.

Berk, L. (1994). Child development. Needham Heights, Massachusetts: Paramount

BeShears, R.S.(2004). The ability of emotional intelligence to predict transformational
leadership when personality, affect, and cognitive ability are controlled. (Doctoral Dissertation, Wayne State University)

Cavallo, K. & Brienza, D. (2004).Emotional competence and leadership excellence at Johnson &
Johnson: The Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Study. New Brunswick, NJ,
Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations, Rutgers University.

Cherniss, C. (2000). Emotional intelligence: What it is and why it matters? Paper presented at the
Annual Meeting of the society for Industrial and organization Psychology, New Orleans,
LA, April 15, 2000.

Cherniss C. & Adler, M. (2000). Promoting emotional intelligence in organizations.
Alexandria, Virginia: American Society of Training and development. The
Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations, website
home page (n.d.). Retrieved November 11, 2002, from

Cherniss, C., & Goleman, D. (1998). Bringing emotional intelligence to the workplace.
Technical Report issued by The Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations. [On-line]. Available: http//

Coutu, D.L. (2003). Putting leaders on the couch: a conversation with Manfred F.R. Kets de
Vries. Harvard Business Review, January 2004.

Dearlove, D. (2003). Maxed emotions: an interview with Daniel Goleman. Business
Strategy Review, Vol. 14, 2.

Decker, T.(2003). Is emotional intelligence a viable concept? Academy of Management Review,
Vol.28, 2.
Gardner, H. (1993). The theory of multiple intelligences. New York; Basic Books.
Gliner, J.A, & Morgan, G.A. (2000). Research methods in applied settings: an integrated
approach to design and analysis. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbuam

Goleman, D. (2004). Never stop learning. Harvard Business Review, 82, 1. Retrieved June 25,
2004, from EBSCO host database.
Goleman, D. (2000). Leadership that gets results. Harvard Business Review, March-April.
Goleman, D. (1998). Working with emotional intelligence. New York: Bantum.
Goleman, D. (1998b). What makes a leader? Harvard Business Review, November-December.
Goleman, D. (1995). Emotional intelligence. New York: Bantum.

Halstead, G. (2003). Emotional intelligence guides church people in caring for one
another. Today?s Ministry (Andover Newton Theological seminary), Winter

Laabs, J. (1999). Emotional intelligence at work. Workforce, 78 (7). Retrieved November
8, 2002, from EBSCO host database.

Lombardo, M. M., & McCauley, C. D. (1998). The dynamics of management derailment.
Greensboro, NC: Center for Creative Leadership.

Lombardo, M. M., & Eichinger, R. W. (1995). Preventing derailment: What to do before it's too
late. Greensboro, NC: Center for Creative Leadership.

Lam, L. T., & Kirby, S. L. (2002). Is Emotional Intelligence an advantage? An
exploration of the impact of emotional and general intelligence on individual. The
Journal of Social Psychology, 142 (1), 133-143. Retrieved May 1, 2002, from EBSCO
host database.

Law, K,L. (2004). The construct and criterion validity of emotional intelligence and its potential
utility for management studies. Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol.89, 3.

LeDoux, J. (1989). Indelibility of subcortical emotional memories. Journal of Cognitive
Neuroscience, 1, 238-43.

Leslie, J. B., & Velsor, E. V. (1996). A look at derailment today: North America and Europe.
Greensboro, NC: Center for Creative Leadership.

Mason, L. (1999). Lead the way to increase productivity. Outlook. 67 (3). Retrieved
November 8, 2002, from EBSCO host database.

Matthews, G, Roberts, R. D., & Zeidner, M. (2004). Seven myths about emotional intelligence.
Psychological Inquiry, Vol.3, No.3.

Mayer, J.D. (January 2004). Be realistic. Harvard Business Review, 82,1, Retrieved June 1,
2004, from EBSCO host database.

Mayer, J. D., Salovey, P., & Caruso, D. R. (2001). Emotional intelligence as a standard
Intelligence. Emotions, 1 (3). Retrieved November 8, 2002, from EBSCO host

Mayer, J.D. (January 2000). Spiritual intelligence or spiritual consciousness. International
Journal for the Psychology of Religion, Vol.10, 1. Retrieved July 30, 2005 from
EBSCO Host database.

Mayer, J.D. (1995). A framework for the classification of personality components. Journal of
Personality, 63, 819-877.

McCall, M. W., Jr., & Lombardo, M. M. (1990). Off the track: Why and how successful
executives get derailed. Bottomline,7(9), 24-30.

O?Neil, J. (1996). On Emotional Intelligence; A conversation with Daniel Goleman.
Educational Leadership, 54 (1), September. Retrieve April 8, 2002 from EBSCO
Host database.

Pazmino, R. (2003). Resources for Christian education. Today?s Ministry (Andover
Newton Theological Seminary), Winter 2003.

Pfeiffer, S. (2001). Emotional intelligence: Popular but elusive construct. Roeffer review, 23 (3).
Retrieve September 30, 2002 from EBSCO Host database.

Radke-Yarrow, M., & Zahn-Waxler, C. (1984). Roots, motives and patterns in children's
prosocial behavior. In J. Reykowski, J. Karylowski, D. Bar-Tel, & E. Staub (Eds),
The development and maintenance of prosocial behaviors: International
perspectives on positive mortality. New York: Plenum.

Reiff, H. B. (2001). The relation of LD and gender with emotional intelligence in college
Students. Journal of Learning Disabilities, Vol.34, 1.

Roberts, R. D., Zeidner, M. & Matthews, G. (2001). Does emotional intelligence meet traditional
standards for intelligence? Some new data and conclusions. Emotions, 1, 196-231.

Sala, F.(2001). Do programs designed to increase emotional intelligence at work-work? The
Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations. Retrieved November 12, 2002, from _work.htm.

Salovey, P., Stroud, L.A., Woolery, A., & Epel, E.S. (2002). Perceived emotional intelligence,
stress reactivity, and symptom reports: Further exploration using the trait meta-mood scale.

Schutte, N.S., Malouff, J M., Bobik, C., and Coston, T. D. (2001).Emotional Intelligence
and interpersonal relations. The Journal of Social Psychology, 141 (4). 523-536.

Shipper, F., & Dillard, J. E. (1994). Comparing the managerial skills of early derailers vs. fast
trackers, late derailers vs. long-term fast trackers, and mid-career derailers vs. "recoverers." Paper presented at the Academy of Management meeting, Dallas, Texas.

Smith. P. Emotional competence training program-American express. Retrieved
December 7, 2003, from

Sosik, J. L., & Megerian, L.E. (1999). Understanding leadership emotional intelligence
and performance. Group & Organizational Management, September 24 (3).
Retrieved May 1, 2002, from EBSCO host database.

Tjiong, L. (2000). The relationship between emotional intelligence, hardiness and job stress
(Doctoral dissertation, Argosy University, 2000).

Tucker, M.L., Sojka, J.Z., Frank, J & McCarthy, A. M. (July & August 2000) Training
Tomorrow?s Leaders: Enhancing the emotional intelligence of business graduates.
Journal of Education for Business, Vol. 75, 6. ). Retrieved May 1, 2002, from EBSCO
host database.

Weisinger, H. (1998). Emotional intelligence at work. San Francisco, California: Jossey-
Bass, Inc.

Zeidner, M, Matthews, G., & Roberts, R. D. (September 2001). Slow down, you move too fast:
emotional intelligence remains an elusive intelligence. Emotion, vol.1, 3 Retrieved
January 18. 2003 from EBSCO Host database.

Zipple, A. M. (2000). [Book Review Emotional intelligence at work]. Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Journal, 23 (4), p.409. Retrieved September 28, 2002 from EBSCO Host database.

III. Preliminary Literature Review Outline

A. Preconceptual History of EI
i. Spearman-?psychological ability?
ii. Thorndike-?social intelligence?
iii. Weshsler-?non-intellective abilities?
iv. EI as a form of intelligence
V. Howard Gardiner-?multiple intelligences?

B. Emotional Intelligence Theory
i. Mayer & Salovey-?Four Branch Model?
ii. Daniel Goleman-personal & social competence
iii. Reuven Bar-On: EI in the context of personality theory,
iv. Antagonists (i.e., Matthews, Roberts, & Zeidner)

C. Issues in definition and Construct Validity
i. What is emotion?
ii. Emotion vs. ?g?, the centrex of intelligence theory
iii Conflicting conceptualizations
iv Reasonable canonical definition

D. Emotional Intelligence and Measurement
i. What are we measuring?
ii. Bar-On?s Emotional Quotient Inventory
iii. Mayer-Salovey-Carusco Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT)
iv. Emotional Competency Inventory 360- Boyatzis and Goleman

E. EI and Leadership
i. EI & effective leadership (and failed leadership)
ii. The promise of effective leadership
iii. Emotional competence vs. emotional intelligence

F. EI as Predictor of Success
i. Common claims by EI protagonists
ii. Response by antagonist (Roberts et, 2001)
iii. Result findings
iii. Can predictor claims be validated presently?

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