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Madame Bovary Essays and Research Papers

Instructions for Madame Bovary College Essay Examples

Title: Madame Bovary The Awakening

Total Pages: 10 Words: 3439 References: 7 Citation Style: MLA Document Type: Essay

Essay Instructions: Assignment:
A pare and contrast research paper involving analysis of the symbolism in Gustave Fluabert’s Madame Bovary and Kate Chopin’s The Awakening. Please analyze the literary works and do not write about the author’s life. Literary realism in the novels themselves is will be the primary focus. Please use updated research. Materials from The nineties and preferably the two thousands are best.

The focus of the paper should be recognizable to the relevance of the text(s) and/or major themes and make sure that your critical essay discusses literary realism in some way.

The paper will be more relevant and convincing if you take a clear stand, and includes relevant and insightful secondary sources to support your assertions. You are encouraged not to stay on safe ground and simply summarize the plot and repackage the conventional wisdom about one of the authors or topics. It will be more rewarding, albeit more challenging, to focus on a theme that has received little attention, is controversial, or lends itself to multiple interpretations.

In regards to secondary sources, you need to include at least seven outside sources. These secondary sources could include background research, such as historical, socio-economic information, that directly informs and elucidates your argument. Always be specific, and make sure to bring in and refer to specific evidence from the texts (novels) when making your points. Last, please follow MLA format for documentation and mechanics. The paper should be 10 pages.

Caveat: Please don’t quote from Wikipedia. This online encyclopedia is both unreliable and not a good academic source. You can check it of course, but do not quote from it. Follow the links it may give you to academic articles on your topic. Indeed, many online sources are not academic sources, so be careful when researching online to make sure you are using articles from solid peer-reviewed journals, not some other student’s essay or something like Cliff Notes, put together for high school students.

P.S. Please try to have it on time as I have to work on it at a specific time. Thank you. I can try to help provide research. If you need something like research, email me at:

Here are some free online sources to start with, but you can use sources from anywhere:

Porter, Laurence M.; Gray, Eugene F. Gustave Flaubert's Madame Bovary: a reference guide. Greenwood Publishing Group, 2002

Villanueva, Dario. Theories of literary realism. SUNY Press, 1997

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Excerpt From Essay:

Title: Madame Bovary vs The House of Mirth

Total Pages: 4 Words: 1180 Works Cited: 0 Citation Style: MLA Document Type: Research Paper

Essay Instructions: ***Requesting writergrrl101***
Only a Annotated Bibliography-- 15 entries

Topic: Emma in Madame Bovary vs. Lily in The House of Mirth-In these two novels, are the deaths of Emma & Lily inevitable and necessary, or could they have recovered and found a way to get back into society? In other words, are they fated to die? What role does fate play in their downfall? To what degree do they have power over their own destiny? In Madame Bovary, Rodolpe claims "fate is to blame" and Emma says "fate willed it this way." How does the nature of provincial society and the people around her make Emma's unhappiness inevitable? In House of Mirth, how does all the wealth and privildge surrounding Lily make her unhappiness inevitable?

Entries can include anything relevant to these two books along with my topic...anything about the writers themselves, the Gilded Age, essays on fate and deteterminism, essays on the role of suicide in Bovary/ Mirth... ect. It can include books, articles, films and so on. Each entry should look somewhat like this;

Burnham, Michelle. "The Journey Between: Liminality and
Dialogism in Mary White Rowlandson's Captivity
Narrative. "Early American Literature 28 (1993): 60-65.

Burnham discusses the split in narrative tone in Rowlandson's narrative that can be seen between her discussions of the phyical journey she undegoes during her captivity, and her citations of scripture. Rowlandson's active involvement with the culture of her Indian captors contrasts with femlae passiveity required by Puritan belief systems. Extensive footnotes. Good list of works cited.

Thank you!

Excerpt From Essay:

Title: Madame Bovary Emma Woman or Child

Total Pages: 5 Words: 2251 Bibliography: 1 Citation Style: MLA Document Type: Essay

Essay Instructions: Please write about the Flaubert's Madame Bovary, specifically about Emma and whether or not she acted as a woman or like a child in the novel. If you can use The Norton Anthology: Western Literature, Eighth Edition Volume 2 pages 1036-1249, as your source for your footnotes that would be awesome. Needs to be MLA format and needs to contain a thesis or topice sentence. Thank you very much!!!!

Excerpt From Essay:

Title: Madame Bovary

Total Pages: 2 Words: 666 Sources: 1 Citation Style: MLA Document Type: Research Paper

Essay Instructions: You will need a copy of Madame Bovary. Gustave, Flaubert,. Madame Bovary contexts, critical reception. New York: W.W. Norton, 2005. If it is a problem, please let me know.

Please use standard American English and do not site from any other source. Taking into consideration Flaubert’s extensive use of irony in his novel, why does he end the novel with the mention of Homais receiving the Legion of Honor*? Why is this ironic? What did Flaubert mean by noting that "The devil himself doesn't have a greater following than the pharmacist: the authorities treat him considerately, and public opinion is on his side." In short, why does Homais triumph while Emma fails, and how is it ironic? What does this say about the world Flaubert depicts in his novel and the dynamic tensions operating there? Evaluate Homais as a character morally and/or in any other way you choose. Entirely Optional: Only if you feel inspired to do it, choose a personage in contemporary American society who is analogous to Homais, and analyze the traits which make both characters successful.
[*Note: the Legion of Honor is roughly equivalent to the American Congressional Medal of Honor.]

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