Front cover:
Leadership & Organisations
Case Study: ?Bill Gates and Steve Jobs?
Using relevant leadership, management and organisational theory covered in the module, compare and contrast and critically discuss the leadership styles of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. Consider the impact their respective styles and behaviour had on the organisation and their employees and, conversely, how organisational factors may have influenced their leadership.
Word Count: 1500
I would like (Grade) High 2:1 / 70-85%
? The Assignment is 1500 words (+/- 10%). Word count should be entered on front cover. (Excludes ?References? and ?Appendices?)
? Contents page or Abstract is not required.
? The Assignment is in the form of an Essay:
(Read the ASU?s Guide on Essay Writing).
Some points to note are?????????..
? Write a flowing coherent essay. Use of Headings and Sub-headings is permitted.
? Introduction: (8-10% of word count) Define key words in the title. Briefly outline any problems that the terms might suggest. Give background information on the topic, setting the scene & context.
? Main Body: findings, synthesis & analysis. Each paragraph should only address one topic or issue. Two paragraphs can state one issue BUT not two issues in one paragraph: you will overload the reader with information. To write clear sentences remember KISS ? Keep It Short and Simple.
o Paragraphs contain PEEEL. Each has a main Point. This topic sentence is best at the beginning of the paragraph so the reader is clear what that paragraph is about. The rest of the paragraph is used to say more about that topic. It will contain Evidence of the main point, an Explanation/Examination, some Examples and it will Link to the previous / next paragraph and/or the title.
o A quotation alone does not make a paragraph as it must include your comments.
o Use signposting to guide your reader through your essay, indicating the sequence of your discussion/ analysis/evaluation, etc. Each section should be in the order indicated in the Introduction.
? Conclusions: (8-10% of word count). Do not introduce new material/arguments. Summarise the key points from the main body. Suggest implications or areas worthy of further consideration.
? Referencing: Use Harvard Referencing; list sources alphabetically by the author?s surname. Do not number, bullet point or divide sources by type, i.e. journals, websites, etc. (see ASU Guide to Harvard Referencing).
? Up to 5 appendices are permitted.
? Each Appendix must be numbered 1 to 5 and relate to a specific point in the essay. If two or more items refer to a particular point, such as comparing two or more theoretical models or charts, then these can be numbered (a), (b), etc. ? such as 2(a), 2(b)?.
? Do not repeat models or theory that are contained in your Lecture slides. This section is only for NEW material that explains, amplifies or supports your points.
Marking Criteria
? Degree of academic rigour
? Against Learning Outcomes (see below)
? Critical discussion/analysis (see Pg.6)
? Breadth and depth of literature and linking theory to practice
? Original thought and writing
? Presentation and well structured
? Alignment to the question set
? Harvard referencing
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge and Understanding of
- the origins and contemporary applications of management and leadership theory;
- management and leadership practice;
- the impact of organisations on individual and leader behaviour.
Skills and Attributes
- assess different approaches to leadership and management;
- discuss factors which influence the behaviour of individuals and leadership practice in organisations;
- evaluate the effectiveness of particular organisational leadership styles.
Case Study Specifics
? Use Leadership theories to identify the two leaders? respective approaches to leading and managing (See the first two topics on Leadership - draw from the approaches discussed there and accompanying models, or from any wider reading you?ve done);
? Draw from definitions of leadership, management, behaviour;
? Effect on morale and motivation (see topic on ?Leadership & Motivation?);
? Impact on, and by, organisational culture ? internally; externally e.g. towards customers, ???.. (see topic on ?Organisational Culture?);
? Impact of external factors on behaviour/style (see topic on ?Organisational Management?, specifically the ?Systems Approach?);
? Update discussion to reflect current position in both organisations (such as effect of current economic conditions, legislation, competition ? but without going into too much detail on these factors as this is not a Business assignment, only insofar as they impact on leadership/management behaviour);
? Whilst figures may be quoted in support of your points, detailed market statistics and financials such as balance sheets or P&L accounts are not required.
? Remember, there is no right or wrong answer. Any conclusion is valid provided it is founded on reasoned discussion or argument;
? Interviews with employees of the two organisations are NOT permitted, even if they are family or friends. This is primary research for which Ethics approval will be needed.
? Comments on companies? forums/customer reviews are not recognised sources because they cannot be authenticated. However, if there is a theme emerging that further proves or disproves a point that you have already discussed, then that theme can be used to further supplement your academic findings.
? Critical discussion ? what are the positive and negative aspects of the above, or advantages/disadvantages, argue, challenge, reach conclusions on the basis of your discussion or argument.
Note: Only under such discussions will you be permitted to use the first person ?I?. However, phrases like ?I feel? or ?I think? or ?I believe? should not be used as they imply opinion without a reasoned argument. On the other hand, e.g. ?On the basis on these discussions (or argument), I can conclude/infer that???.?. The third person can also be used if you are more comfortable with this, e.g. ?On the basis on these discussions (or argument), it can be concluded/inferred (or it is reasonable to conclude/infer), that???.?;
? Do not waste your Word Count by reproducing definitions that we have visited in the lectures. Just referring to them will suffice, such as:
?Whilst Herzberg?s (1959) Motivators appear to have universal acceptance, the culture within the organisation favours recognition from a money-driven perspective which fits more with the Scientific principles of Taylor (1911) and derived partly from the Authority-Obedience behaviour of its leadership and management as depicted by the Blake & McCanse (1991) Leadership model?.
However, definitions/theoretical models not covered in the lectures must be given and referenced.
? Journals are a valuable source of information. Try different ?key words? for your search as they appear in, or relate to, the question asked. Use the Journals Access site on Studynet and remember to tick the Athens box.