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Karen Horney Essays and Research Papers

Instructions for Karen Horney College Essay Examples

Title: Karen Horney

Total Pages: 11 Words: 3144 Sources: 0 Citation Style: APA Document Type: Essay

Essay Instructions: This paper must have 10 SCIENTIFIC REFERENCES (books, jounal articles, etc.) No popular press. It can only have 1-2 internet sites as a reference. It must include one book or article that Karen Horney has written. The entire paper must be written in APA format (not footnotes) using parenthetical citations. There is a maximum of 3-4 quotes to be used throughout the paper. You must paraphase most of the time. The paper should be written using subheadings (ex:
CONTRIBUTIONS, BACKGROUND, INFLUENCES,etc.) The paper should be written as if the reader knows nothing about Karen Horney. This means defining definitions and explaining (in depth) her theories - basically spelling it out for the reader.
This is an in-depth history paper. It must have STRONG historical content. It should include:
- Horney's extensive backgound (how she grew up, where, her schooling, her parent's schooling, birth and death, where and how, etc.)
- How she got into her field
- show and trace who she borrowed ideas from for her works and what they were. Did she have a mentor? Did she mentor any one else?
- state any critiques of Horney and her work. Who did they come from.
- Did she influence any psychologists after her with her work? Who and How? Did anyone build on her work
- How was her work accepted or not accepted by the public and fellow psychologists in her field? liked or disliked?
- Is any of her work in the APA or DSM journal? if so - what and when?
- Did the fact that she was a women hinder her work? How?
- Talk about the struggles of women psychologists in her time.
- Talk about her contributions and theories and explain them. Some of the these theories are basic anxiety, three neurotic trends, idealized self, neurotic pride vs self-esteem, search for glory, neurotic needs, self-contempt,her work on psycho-analysis, and anything else that she worked on.

The set up of the paper should be:
- The introduction which tells the reader what you are going to talk about. This needs to be where yuo catch the reader's interst so be creative.
- The body of the paper (explained above) using subheading when switching topics
- The summary that wraps up the paper AND remind the reader what you have talked about in the paper (a reiteration of the introduction).
- The conclusion that states your opinion. For example, do you think she was under-estimated, will her work still be used, overall opinion on Horney, etc. THIS IS THE ONLY PORTION IN THE ENTIRE PAPER THAT IS TO BE IN FIRST PERSON. EVERYTHING ELSE SHOULD BE IN THIRD PERSON.

citing where you got material throughot the paper is imperative (APA style).
I need the reference page in APA format, as well.

The professor is an author of several books. She is going to be a tough grader so, if you have any questions - please email me.

Excerpt From Essay:

Title: Neurosis in the workplace and in society in general

Total Pages: 5 Words: 1535 References: 5 Citation Style: MLA Document Type: Research Paper

Essay Instructions: You will compose a Research Paper on your own personality theory. You must use theories studied in the text to guide the development of your theory. You will follow the outline to structure your paper; it is important that you do not stray from the outline.

It is imperative that your Research Paper include scholarly research and not merely your opinion. Your paper will be a presentation of your views as guided by theories in the text. However, you must write the paper using third person language instead of first person (I, my, we) or second person (you) language.

Do not use dictionaries, encyclopedias, websites, book reviews or your textbook as references in your paper. You must use the Bible, but it does not count toward the scholarly references.

In this paper the author will discuss her personal theory regarding neurosis as it relates to her workplace and her Christian beliefs. This paper will also explore the potentiality of issues that can be problematic when dealing with a neurotic in the workplace. This paper also examines the gender difference and associated levels of neuroticism of males and females. Karen Horney believed that all individuals have neurotic needs. This personal theory will adopt some of the core aspects of Karen Horney?s theory of neurosis and expound on some possible approaches to dealing with neurotics. The author will also go into some detail regarding Alfred Adler?s theory of individual psychology and show how the lack of social interest affects not only the neurotic but the non-neurotic as well. The author will also discuss what motivating factors contribute to the needs of the neurotic. Examples from both Horney and Adler?s theories will be used to show how the neurotic views himself and others around him.

Excerpt From Essay:

Essay Instructions: Write an essay in which you discuss the main points of this article and then agree/disagree with each. Agreeing/disagreeing will entail bringing in your own analysis of the work in question. This is not an either/ or issue though. You may agree with some points the author makes and not with others. But discuss WHY you agree or disagree and support your ideas with analysis and quotes from the text.
1. In the introduction, give us a brief overview of the article itself ? what it focuses on, its general orientation, position and point of view. Then, in a clear thesis, state whether you agree/disagree and why.
2. Take each major point of the article one by one and state what it is, summarize it, including how the author supports his/her points and then discuss your views of it. Do you agree/disagree and in either case why do you? Develop your arguments with in-depth explanation and examples/quotes from the original story.

Title: Hemingway's Hills Like White Elephants
Author(s): Paul Rankin
Source: The Explicator. 63.4 (Summer 2005): p234. From Literature Resource Center.
Document Type: Critical essay
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Although it would overstate the matter to suggest that a single critical consensus exists regarding the resolution of Ernest Hemingway's "Hills Like White Elephants," a summation of the majority opinion might produce something along these lines: in an impressive feat of dialogue-driven narrative prose, Hemingway's unnamed American male protagonist dominates the meeker, weaker-sexed Jig--the other in terms of her femaleness, her youth (she is the girl as opposed to the woman who tends bar), and her foreignness (because he receives the specific national identification, we may deduce that it's meant to distinguish his from hers)--until, broken, she submits to his will and consents to aborting the child. Frederick Busch phrases it most succinctly when he argues that Jig "buries her way of seeing as she will bury her child" (762). Other critics have suggested that "the male's language [of distance and control] overpowers [Jig]" (O'Brien 22-23) and that "Jig [...] knows that she will never bear the child she is carrying" (Abdoo 238). A closer look at what Janet Burroway refers to as the pattern of shifting power, however, reveals a more subversive current in the dialogue--one in which Jig, the xenofeminine, outwits her boorish American inamorato and manipulates both the conversation and the man at each turn to control the shared destiny of her and the unborn child (36). Read according to this pattern of subversion, the story emerges as a series of parries that demonstrate Jig's superiority in terms of her cognitive and conative intelligence, as well as her experience, her scathing wit, and her facility with ironic sarcasm, all of which culminate in the absolute straightforwardness of the last line, a line that incidentally coincides with Jig's own dramatic epiphany: There's nothing wrong with me. I feel fine.

In the economies of such notable theorists as Carl Gustav Jung and Karen Horney, the man's attempt to bully pregnant Jig, although certainly by no means justified, should come as no surprise. We need look no further than Jung's valuation of the mother "for whose sake everything that embraces, protects, nourishes, and helps assumes maternal form" (qtd. in Wilmer 40) to begin to comprehend the nature of the man's feelings of inadequacy and inferiority in the face of Jig's imminent transformation from "the girl" into motherhood. Horney goes Jung one step further, contending that man's fundamental lack of "life-creating power," with which woman is imbued, has motivated the creation of such historically masculine enterprises as "[s]tate, religion, art, and science" in man's attempt to compensate for that insurmountable deficiency (366-67). Unfortunately, however, "even the greatest [...] achievements [...] cannot fully make up for something for which we are not endowed by nature" (Horney 367). Thus we may expect to encounter, in extreme cases, such attitudes as the man's in "Hills," whose "notion of behaving 'reasonably'" cannot include "birth of any sort" (Busch 761).

As the man persists in opposing the continuance of Jig's maternity, he grossly oversimplifies the issue, even to the point of self-contradiction, calling the abortion first "an awfully simple operation," and then "not really an operation at all" (212). Here and elsewhere, the excessive modifiers like "awfully" and "really" indicate the man's awareness that this will not be an easy sale and belie his understanding, whether he would be willing to acknowledge this or not, of Jig's formidable intelligence and will. We perceive these attributes directly from Jig as well, as she demonstrates an increasing awareness not only of the gravity of the situation, but also of the man's self-centered and insecure motivation for pursuing the abortion. Consider, for example how Jig initiates the story's action by asking what they should drink, and also makes the first significant observation in the story, noting that the hills "look like white elephants" (211). At first glance, these details may appear unimportant in the context of the decision they are at odds over, but in a relationship where "all [they] do [is ...] look at things and try new drinks," these particular activities carry a substantial amount of weight. By way of contrast, the man's first three lines are entirely reactionary and essentially passive in nature. To Jig's question about drinks, he replies, "It's pretty hot" (when we have already learned in the opening paragraph that "It was very hot"); to her follow-up suggestion that they drink beer, he calls out, "two beers"; and to the bartender's question "Big ones?" he assents, "Yes. Two big ones" (211). At least initially, the man has nothing to offer, nothing to contribute to the story, just as he has nothing more to contribute to Jig's pregnancy now that he has invested his "minute share in creating new life" (Horney 367).

We encounter further evidence of the man's inferiority complex in his severe response to Jig's playful banter about the similarity between hills and elephants. Having already admitted that he has never seen white elephants, the man angrily berates Jig, saying, "Just because you say I wouldn't have doesn't prove anything" (211). In a story of exchanges, Jig's reaction here speaks volumes--she makes another observation and changes the subject. Jig's ability to take in her surroundings and find ways to diffuse the man's anger demonstrates her resourcefulness at the same time it raises the problematic question that drives the story: Is Jig merely ceding her will to the superior and dominant male's, or is she, rather, manipulating him (and the situation as a whole) to her advantage by giving him the illusion of the upper hand?

To answer this question, we must look backward and forward in the story and put this particular exchange in context. Our backward glance reveals that what set the man off was Jig's access to knowledge and experience that the man cannot have, the first-hand knowledge of what white elephants look like. Recognizing this truth as well as the bamboo curtain, Jig shifts the focus from something she knows that the man does not to something he knows that she does not. Even that ignorance of Anis del Toro, however, appears questionable when we arrive at the manifest sarcasm of her response to his blithe observation that "that's the way with everything," to which she replies, "Especially all the things you've waited so long for, like absinthe." Her awareness of the drink's composition indicates that she knew more than she let on when she inquired about the curtain, and thus we can conclude that something other than curiosity or ignorance motivated her question. Thus, we see Jig powerfully asserting her will, and doing so in such a way that she averts unnecessary confrontation several paragraphs before we encounter the discussion of the "operation."

As we do come to that discussion, as the confrontation becomes entirely necessary, the flurry of verbal punches only serves to intensify Jig's resistance as she grows more explicit in her refusal. "No, we can't," she repeats several times, ironically refuting his assent to her own sarcastic declaration that "we could have everything." Demonstrating his now-characteristic inability to understand her point of view, the man assumes that she is still referring to "the whole world" when she says, "It isn't ours any more." Still subversive, still subtle even as the exchange heats up, Jig corrects him once and for all, saying, "No it isn't. And once they take it away, you never get it back." When the man acknowledges that "they haven't taken it away" yet, perhaps without even realizing it, perhaps still imagining she means the world (and all it has come to signify in terms of their unfettered experience and his selfish desire to hang on to that), he proves Jig's point and effectively closes off any further negotiation (213).

What remains is primarily denouement, where the man and Jig return to their drinks and wait for the train. As he attempts to broach the subject, the girl shuts him down completely, and even though the point of view follows him as he passes through the bar, drinks more Anis, and returns, ultimately, Jig gets the last word: "There's nothing wrong with me" (214). The man has heretofore treated Jig's pregnancy like a burden or an illness, whereas Jig, in the cross-talk that emerges from the "no-we-can't" volley, equates the pregnancy, and by implication the child, with "the whole world."

In the final analysis, contenders on either side of the debate must acknowledge that, much like Frank Stockton's "The Lady or the Tiger," this story leaves us at the brink of enlightenment. Unlike Stockton's resolution, which hinges solely on the whims of chance, Hemingway has endowed us with sufficient elements of characterization--Jig's wit, resourcefulness, and strong will as opposed to the man's quick temper, self-centeredness, and irresponsibility--to make an educated guess as to the direction of their immediate future. In a story built on irony and sarcasm, it is almost paradoxical how sincere Jig's final declaration reads: "There's nothing wrong with me," she says, and we understand finally that the white elephant was never the abortion or even the unborn child itself--it was always the man.

--PAUL RANKIN, Hinds Community College


Abdoo, Sherlyn. "Hemingway's Hills Like White Elephants." Explicator 49.4 (1991): 238-40.

Burroway, Janet. Writing Fiction: A Guide to Narrative Craft. 6th ed. New York: Longman, 2003.

Busch, Frederick. "On Hills Like White Elephants." Norton Anthology of Short Fiction. Ed. R. V. Cassill et al. 6th ed. New York: Norton, 2000, 761-62.

Hemingway, Ernest. "Hills Like White Elephants." The Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway. New York: Collier, 1987, 211-14.

Horney, Karen. "The Distrust Between the Sexes." A World of Ideas. Ed. Lee A. Jacobus. 6th ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's. 2002. 357-71.

O'Brien, Timothy D. "Allusion, World-Play, and the Central Conflict in Hemingway's 'Hills Like White Elephants.'" Hemingway Review 12.1 (1992): 19-26.

Stockton, Frank. "The Lady or the Tiger." 1882. Short Stories at East of the Web. 2003. Hyperfiction. 3 August 2005. .

The Lady or the Tiger and Other Stories. New York: Garrett Press, 1969.

Wilmer, Harry A. Practical Jung: Nuts and Bolts of Jungian Psychotherapy. Wilmette, IL: Chiron, 1987.

Rankin, Paul
Source Citation
Rankin, Paul. "Hemingway's Hills Like White Elephants." The Explicator 63.4 (2005): 234+. Literature Resource Center. Web. 17 May 2011.
Document URL

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Excerpt From Essay:

Title: Dreams

Total Pages: 2 Words: 575 Bibliography: 0 Citation Style: MLA Document Type: Research Paper

Essay Instructions: Instructions for Term Paper Contents
ITS ALL HERE, Please follow it Thanks in adavance
Here: Topics maybe.. Dreams or like Behavior or famous people, I dont really know so you pick. the best 1 :)
The following contents in the theory?s development need to be part of the paper
and presentation:
Some of the possible psychological theorists that you can refer to are:
1. Sigmund Freud
2. Carl Gustav Jung
3. Alfred Adler
4. Karen HOrney
5. Erich Fromm
6. Erik Homburger Erikson
7. Gordon Allport
8. Raymond Bernard Cattell
9. Hans Eysenck
10. George Alexander Kelly
11. Abraham MAslow
12. Carl Ransom Rogers
13. Rollo May
14. Burrhus Frederick Skinner
15. Julian Rotter
16. Albert Bandura

In order to make each theory clear, you need to included specific language, and
comprehensible and thorough explanations. They also need to be brief and to the
These are:
a. key concepts
b. The role about how Fads, Fashion, and Music affect us psychologically. This
is to explain from a psychological perspective, how the specific media source is
reflected in the personality, behavior, traits, mannerisms, disorders, and
psyche of an individual. The way to approach this to:
- Name the specific aspect and source of these fads, fashion, and music are
influenced by what it is seen on the media, e.g TV with fashion, such as
- Psychological aspects that are observed in the media source that affect the
overall personality and behavior of the individual using that media source and
the reflection these have in a persons image and music preference.
- Relate or support your information to the psychological theory and its author
using the professional and specific lingo/language that each one uses. Make sure
you provide the meaning of these keywords, and include specific examples that
illustrate them.
-Summarize, in analytical form, the way these psychological facts are observed
in a psycho-social environment. Provide specific examples that illustrate your
c. Ethical issues Involved in the media and entertainment industry, and peoples
reactions to the relationship. This is the appropriateness and consequences that
the individual presents due to the media influence, and how is it morally
evaluated by a psychologist within a social context. What are the generational
changes, and how do people follow these fads, fashion or music.
d. Example of Case(s) when it is more appropriate to follow these particular
influences. Be specific and present facts, not opinions, which could be
presented as a psychologist to his/her peers. Remember you are playing the Role
of a Psychologist/Mental Health Counselor.

-The paper needs to have a cover sheet with the following information:

Name: Raphael Fortich
Date: May 2, 2003
Psy 101 wc803
Spring 2004
Prof. Secret
Your research will have a minimum of five (5) reference sources; these will
include at lease two books, journals, magazines,video,cd, or DVD and inter

It will be written in APA style. You have to complete guide on how to do this
in the reserved materials at the library in ? Blah? then next.. If the paper is
not done in this style it would not be graded. You need to present a brief
paragraph introducing your topic, what area you chose, why how can it be seen,
and the source reference list in apa style. If the paper is not written in apa
style you will forfeit your grade ( you will receive a ZERO). The presentation
is worth another 50 points, if you an excellent job, in either one, there will
be extra credit points available as a reward for your extra efforts.

Structure of the paper will be as follows: 2-3 (not counting the cover sheet or
the reference source pages, double-spaced, stapled, 12 font, grammar and
presentation will also count for the grade.

By the way, I need this *YOU SAID ITS FREE* SO i need this papers
# Approval sheet
# Footnotes
# Bibliography page
# References page
# Works Cited page
I need copies of sources
You guys should read the Encyclopedia of Psychology, Raymond J. Corsini,ed, <-- please include this on the source or reference,

Sorry if you dont understand anything please feel free to email me

I guess that's it.. Good Luck..

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