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Title: Creative Project Tall Buddies

Total Pages: 25 Words: 6521 Bibliography: 15 Citation Style: APA Document Type: Essay

Essay Instructions: Creative Project

Review the literature dealing with the theoretical background, development, and use of the product as well as its potential benefit. Based upon this review, a clearly defined statement of what the product of the study will be should be developed. For example one could say: The product of this study will be a guide for implementing a Tall Buddy program at an Elementary School that will service at-risk 6th graders due to emotional, social or behavioral problems and 1st grade struggling readers.
The final paper should contain concise statements about (a) the purpose of the project, (b) the population for which it is intended, (c) a description of the procedure showing how the project was developed, and (d) an evaluation of the product by 2-3 people with the background to provide feedback.

The Creative Project Paper Format 20 - 25 pages
Section 1: The Problem:
Purpose of the Study:
Importance of the Study:
Information for writer:
Teachers are overwhelmed by the special challenges they face: escalating numbers of students, categorized as emotionally or behaviorally disordered and escalating demands on teachers to fill nonteaching roles in children’s lives. It is my belief that helping troubled 6th grade students feel capable, connected and contributing members of a school will help decrease behavioral problems and increase a students self esteem. I also believe that by training the 6th grade students how to tutor low achieving 1st graders will have a chance to make accelerated growth. With the Tall Buddy program three things are possible for the 6th graders: First, Behavior can improve second, student self-esteem increases, which must happen if we want students too behave more responsibly and achieve more academically and third an improvement in reading skills. Another outcome of Tall Buddy tutoring is to improve the reading skills of both the Tall Buddies and the Small Buddies to ensure that all students become proficient readers. First Graders who have difficulty in reading quickly fall behind their classmates. First-grade teachers can predict with some confidence, that those student in their class with considerable reading deficits by the end of the school year will likely have long-lasting challenges in reading in their school years. All teachers involved should select academic measures to use to track students’ reading levels both before Tall Buddies begins and during the tutoring program. Also it is important to note that when a Tall Buddy is chosen to participate in the program that the privilege is non revocable meaning that their position is not held over their head and threatened to be ended due to poor behavior, not turning in homework or completing assignments. It takes time to break habits that have been in process for years. I believe in progress toward the behavior wanted, not prefection.

Section 2: Review of Literature: The critical need for doing this (15 – 20 references)
Introduction (How much literature is available? Organization of the Literature review)

Literature Review
Information for writer:
I have included a Lit Review with 5 sources that can be use to support the part about Promoting Self-Esteem Through Mentoring. I will be sending you the articles that will support both the self-esteem and behavioral improvement for the 6th graders as well as articles discussing the improvement in reading the 1st graders will benefit in. Can I email them to you?

Section 3: Procedure;
Development/ Approval of Project
How was the project developed? (blueprint for others to follow)
Who did you involve in the developmental process and why?
What was the approval process, if necessary?
How was it or will it be implemented

Information for the writer
I am a Curriculum Support Teacher and my Job is to support teachers in raising student achievement. In 2005 I new we had a very difficult group of 5th graders coming into 6th. The fifth grade teachers continually complained about low-test scores due to misbehaving students. I had read a book called Cooperative Discipline by Linda Albert that discussed the importance of relationships with students and that if students feel capable, connected and contributing members of a school very often problem behaviors disappear. So I tried to come up with a plan to help the 6 major behavior problem soon to be 6th graders feel capable, connected and contributing members of our school. Thus Tall Buddies was born. I knew I could maintain a group of 10 but needed some other students besides behavior problems so in talking with the teachers it was decided that students with low self-esteem could also benefit from such a program.
I went to the principal of the school, Marcie Nichols, to get permission to begin the program because it would take 30 – 40 min. of my time 4 days a week. I also meet with both the 6th and 1st grade teachers to work out the details, student selection, time and so forth. All agreed it would be a valuable use of my time.
I involved the first grade teachers in deciding the most valuable things a first grader could do under the guidance of a 6th grader. We had to make it easy for the 6th grader because they had to feel Capable of doing the task in order for the project to be a sucess.

This Tall Buddy Program is intended to help guide a Peer-Tutoring Program in an elementary school. Schools can exercise creative freedom as they put together a Tall Buddy tutoring program in reading that meets the needs of their students. It includes instructions to prepare for and begin a school-based tutoring program in reading, how to select tutors and first grade students as well as lessons and materials to teach the 6th graders how to tutor 1st graders.

In putting the guide together I felt it of utmost importance to include thorough training to 6th grade tutors in the elements of the tutoring process. Tutors need to be carefully trained before hand and monitored frequently. The Tall Buddy tutors will meet with their Small Buddy 3 days a week. One day a week the Tall Buddy Trainer will meet with only the Tall Buddies for debriefing, celebrations and further training. (This meeting also helps to build the relationship between the Tutors and Tall Buddy Coach which is a critical component of the program) Any teacher organizing a Tall Buddies training should assume that tutors require lessons in appropriate behavior like how to pick up kids politely and respectfully to and from the tutoring sessions, use of praise and simple but effective intervention strategies. One of the important facets of the program is the continually monitoring of the program.
In order to make sure Tall Buddy tutors have learned the fundamentals of tutoring before letting them to meet with their Small Buddies they need to be given time to practice, and to show their mastery of the various skills taught. The teacher can come up with their own fun ways to get Tall Buddies to practice under their watchful eye. Whole group response, pairing off students to work on cooperative learning activities, and the use of role-playing are only some of the ideas that students can use to show what they know.

The program was implemented and actually begun before the target 5th grade group left for school that year. I went into each 5th grade classroom and gave them the details of the program and passed around a sign in sheet for those students who were interested. Almost the whole 5th grade signed up. (the reason why I did this, when we already knew who the students would be is because I wanted to make them feel specifically chosen for a very special task...helping a first grader who needed help in reading.
After summer and the students were 6th graders I had a 2-week training program that is outlined in detail in the project portion. The importance here was twofold, building repor and trust which helped us form a relationship and also teaching them the important components of a reading tutoring program.
Once trained the Small Buddies were carefully selected based on assessments the teachers had and they were introduced. The program ran for 8 weeks at which time the first grade teachers revisited current data. Many students “graduated the program” some stayed for round 2.
At the end of the year at 6th grade graduation the 6th grade teachers passed our many certificates for many different reasons; attendance, presidents honor roll, academic achievement, Gifted and Talented and then I proudly presented all of the Tall Buddies with certificates for making a difference in a first graders life.

Section IV Evaluation
I have asked the first and 6th grade teachers for feedback so I will do this section once I recieve the feedback.

References; APA Style Please include the cooperative discipline book by Linda Albert ph.D. AGS (american Guidance Service, Inc. Circle Pines, Minnesota)

Articles for Lit Review

This is the Lit Review that you can also get information from.
Literature Review
Promoting Self Esteem Through Mentoring
Ellen Giffin
This paper presents a detailed examination of what the outcome might be in using children with self-esteem issues to work with younger children at school.
I am going to be writing a grant to fund a tall buddy program at my school and want the literature selected for this review to support the program. I believe that such a program will promote self esteem and reduce behavior issues with the mentors as they begin to feel connected and capable as contributing members of the school.
Self esteem issues are the root of many problems in the world. Those who have a low self esteem work at a reduced capacity, tend to not perform at their peak and often cause problems in the world around them(Emler, 2002). The importance of healthy self esteem should not be minimized as it is one of the components that drive people to succeed as children and adults. A low self esteem can prevent one from completing goals, succeeding at tasks or having healthy personal relationships. If one has a healthy self esteem one is not afraid to reach for the moon, content in the knowledge that even if he or she fails she will still fall among the stars. In the field of education teachers and administrators are charged with imparting information as well as helping the students build strong social and interpersonal skills along the way. If a child has damaged self esteem in the younger grades that will carry into middle and high school, possibly having a negative impact on that student’s educational path. While it is important to read, write and do math, it is equally important to build a healthy self esteem and self concept so as the student advances, and the work becomes more self directed and difficult the student has the tools in self confidence to move into that level. Research has shown that people who have a low self esteem often do not feel they are contributing to the world in any way. They feel useless, hopeless and that their abilities are not needed in the large scheme of things. This often translates into behavior issues as the student tries to carve a place for himself or herself in the world and be noticed. A program in which students with low self esteem are partnered with younger students to help them with their work and their general school existence will help the older student realize they are a vital and positive contributor to the school. Helping the student feel connected with the school will help that student develop a more healthy self esteem thereby giving him the tools to succeed as he reaches the upper grades. This paper provides a literature review to support the idea of a Tall Buddy Program for at risk sixth grade students. The Tall Buddy Program is designed around the premise that students working with younger students will have their behavior and self concept improve for several reasons.

Ø Connection with other teachers on campus
Ø Feeling like they make a difference in a younger student’s life.
Ø Feeling capable of helping other
Ø Feeling like they can contribute to the school as a larger setting.
Before one can measure the possible benefits of such a program it is important to understand the impact a low self esteem has on individuals and therefore society. There is a long standing belief that self esteem issues contribute to delinquency, giving concern to having such students work with younger students, however, research has consistently proven that students with low self esteem are not more at risk to become delinquents, however the injury to their own psyche and their own lives is very real(Emler, 2002).
Over the years, many problems have been blamed on low self esteem. Some of the facts that the literature already bears
· “relatively low self-esteem is not a risk factor for delinquency, violence towards others (including child and partner abuse), drug use, alcohol abuse, educational under-attainment or racism;
· relatively low self-esteem is a risk factor for suicide, suicide attempts and depression, for teenage pregnancy, and for victimization by others. In each case, however, this risk factor is one of several and probably interacts with others;
· there are indications that childhood self-esteem is associated with adolescent eating disorders and with economic outcomes--earnings, continuity of employment--in early adulthood, but the causal mechanisms involved remain unclear(Emler, 2002).”
Research has indicated that one’s self esteem is a key factor in what that person accomplishes in life.
A high self esteem indicates a person has a positive attitude about themselves and that they feel they have a worth to the world and to society.
“The importance of self-esteem can be considered from several perspectives. First, it is important to normal, psychological development. To adequately cope with the challenges of growing and developing, persons need to believe that they have the capacity to achieve what they need and want to and that they are deserving of happiness and joy in life(Walz, 1991).”
One study measured the importance of school climate on the development of a child’s self esteem and it proved to be a valuable element in the total package.
“School climate plays an important role in the development of the self-esteem of students. Schools that target self-esteem as a major school goal appear to be "more successful academically as well as in developing healthy self-esteem among their students" (California Task Force to Promote Self-Esteem, 1990, p. 5) (Walz, 1991). “
Studies have also concluded that students with high self esteems are less likely to become pregnant, use drugs or display behavior problems.
“Exclusive attention to just self-esteem or personal achievement may well result in less favorable outcomes in either or both areas than when an approach is used which attends to both self-esteem and achievement. Walz and Bleuer (in press) in postulating the presence of an "esteem-achievement connection" emphasize the importance of presenting students with challenging experiences that enable the student to "earn" high esteem by successfully coping with difficult tasks(Walz, 1991). “
A program in which the students are expected to perform academically as well as by a Tall Buddy to a younger student will illicit the above needs.
A recent study of American Asian students compared to other students showed that the attitude and belief that it is in their control is what causes American Asian students to perform better in school. Asian American parents believe that it is effort, not luck or ability that causes a student to succeed at school. Research found that this attitude of effort and connectedness to the school and the academics drove American Asian students to perform more highly than their Anglo American counterparts even given cultural and language barriers that were presented(Hwang, 1995).
Studies also found that “too often, self-esteem programs send completely counterproductive messages to children by directing youngsters' attention toward their own basest inner gratification-no matter what they do, it's fine, because they are always wonderful and special.”
For students to develop true high self esteem that will assist them in accomplishing their later life goals it is important that they believe they connected and contributed to the society. A program that pairs them with younger students and allows them to succeed thereby build self confidence will help them develop high self esteem.
“To possess self-esteem, one must possess self-worth. To be worthy, one must be good at something or at least try to be (Hwang, 1995).”
“High levels of self-esteem and positive school, peer, and family connections represent protective factors against youth involvement in risky behavior(McClellan, 2002).”
Another study examined the impact that high self esteem has on a student’s performance and behavior.
High self esteem was shown in this research to contribute to high academic behavior by having the student feel a connectedness with the school he or she attends. When a person feels connected that person is more likely to perform and put for their best effort in the tasks that they undertake.
The study examined a mentoring program in which the students were mentored by adults and was successful(McClellan, 2002). This program illustrates the ability of a mentor program to help students increase self esteem, however, it was something they were given. Research also shows that increases in self esteem can be attributed to accomplishments and the feeling of being able. A program which has the students with low self esteem become the mentors will serve to strengthen the self esteem of those students even more than being mentored to.
In addition to the self esteem they will gain by being mentors, they will gain self esteem because of the adults who work with them as mentors. It will allow the students to be part of an important process in which they partner with adults in the quest to assist younger students. This will further enhance their sense of being connected and able to contribute positively to the school that they attend.
“The use and benefits of mentors have been investigated and documented for a variety of professions and populations, including numerous peer-based mentoring programs for elementary-age students(Massey, 2000).”
The conclusion is overwhelmingly in favor of mentoring because it creates a feeling of belonging and ability to succeed. A program that places the students with low self esteem in the role of leader and mentor can only serve to boost self esteem. In addition it will provide the student mentors with the knowledge that they can build goals and solve problems by attaining those goals, which is a valuable concept to understand in life.
“In addition to the benefits that mentees gain, mentors gain by (a) improved self-esteem by modeling appropriate skills and knowledge to another peer, (b) increased opportunities to interact with peers different than themselves (e.g., students with disabilities), and (c) mastered social competence(Massey, 2000).”
Students with high self esteem have a documented advantage over students with low self esteem. A Tall Buddy Program will allow students with low self esteem to increase their self esteem by mentoring to students who are younger. The younger students will also benefit form the program ass they have a buddy to turn to while they learn to navigate the path of education in elementary school.
Students who have high self esteem go on to become adults with high self esteem and it is those adults who cure disease, invent things, and provide positively to the society that they live in. It is important to help students with low self esteem get it turned around as they enter the upper school grades so that they will be equipped with the “can do” attitude that will allow them to succeed and go on to pursue their adult desires and goals with confidence. Students with low self esteem become adults with low self esteem which can translate to higher welfare roles at a cost to taxpayers. It is to society’s advantage to help students who have low self esteem change their perceptions and given them confidence in their ability to contribute to the world.


Emler, Nicholas (2002) The costs and causes of low self-esteem. Youth Studies Australia

Hwang, Yong G (1995) Student apathy, lack of self-responsibility and false self-esteem are failing American schools. Journal of Education

Massey, Gayle (2000) Mentoring with Elementary-Age Students.
Intervention in School & Clinic

McClellan, Warren (1995) Increasing self-esteem and school connectedness through a multidimensional mentoring program. Journal of School Health

Walz, Garry R (1991) ERIC Identifier: ED328827 ERIC Clearinghouse

Emler, Nicholas (2002) The costs and causes of low self-esteem. Youth Studies
Australia, 21(3) 45. Retrieved June 21, 2006, from the ULV Academic Search
Premier database.

Hwang, Yong G (1995) Student apathy, lack of self-responsibility and false self-esteem
are failing American schools. Journal of Education, 115(4)484. Retrieved June 21, 2006, from the ULV Academic Search Premier database.

Massey, Gayle (2000) Mentoring with Elementary-Age Students.
Intervention in School & Clinic, 36(1)36. Retrieved June 24, 2006 from the ULV
Academic Search database.

McClellan, Warren (1995) Increasing self-esteem and school connectedness through a
multidimensional mentoring program. Journal of School Health, 72(7)6. Retrieved
June 24, 2006 from the ULV Academic Search database.

Walz, Garry R (1991) Counseling to Enhance Self-Esteem. Eric Digest. ED328827
Retrieved on June 24, 2006 from the ERIC Clearinghouse.
Articles to Use: Can I email them to you?

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Excerpt From Essay:

Title: Psychopathologie

Total Pages: 9 Words: 2962 Sources: 0 Citation Style: MLA Document Type: Research Paper

Essay Instructions: You will find 9 questions below, each of them needs to be answered separatly as a short essay format approximatly 1 page for each.

1. Discuss the criteria for abnormality and the meanings of psychological disorders, psychological dysfunction and "culturally expected" behaviors.

2.The DSM-IV is based on a multiaxial system. Explain the content of each axis and its contribution to understanding the patient.

3.Describe the major objectives and typical activities and the intended outcomes of the process.

4. Describe each of the four components of informed consent for research participants. Explain why it may be difficult to satisfy informed consent when the research participants are mentally retarded adults.

5. NAme the important neurotransmitters and describe what impact each one is thought to have on human experience.

6. Describe some of research findings that demonstrate teh importance of relationships to our psychological well-being.

7.Describe the diathesis-stress model. Use the model to explain how one identical twin suffers from clinical depression while other does not.

8.Describe the symptoms, causes and treatment of panic disorder and the three categories of panic attack.

9.Discuss obsessive-compulsive disorder and explain the concept of thought-action fusion.

Excerpt From Essay:

Title: Management and leadership

Total Pages: 20 Words: 5029 References: 0 Citation Style: APA Document Type: Essay

Essay Instructions: Dear Sir/Madam

I am a medical doctor studying for an MBA degree at a prestigious UK university. I am currently in the process of writing my dissertation. The topic is medical management in the private healthcare sector. In addition to the plethora of information that I have already ploughed through in order to complete my literature review, I would like to receive some additional information from yourselves, either in the form of research papers or dissertations on a relevant topic.

In my dissertation, I am comparing the private healthcare sector (Nuffield Hospitals) to the public (NHS) system. I am looking at such things as differing standards of service between the two sectors, patients differing expectations in both of these sectors, the organisational culture of both sectors, management and leadership styles in both sectors, how these factors contribute significantly to the overall effectivity of both sectors, and recommendations for organisational change.

I am looking for relevant essays/papers written on medical management that contain some or all of the above-mentioned information/research. The papers need to be at least 5000 ? 10 000 words long.


Dr J Konovalov.
P.S. Please read the information below. There are some bits of my dissertation just to give you an idea about what to do. You need to write something similar to it!

This paper will take an holistic view on both the private and public healthcare market, but with more emphasis on the private healthcare market. For the purposes of this paper two representatives have been identified: The Royal Devon and Exeter hospital which is a part of the NHS and also the Exeter Nuffield private hospital.

This paper will explore the current issues and challenges that both organisations are facing in their mission to provide first class healthcare to all of their patients. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate potential market problems and the paper aims to offer practitioners guidance and consultation on potential changes within modern healthcare delivery. The paper also highlights the great potential that organisations have to learn from each other. This paper aims to highlight the current challenges faced by both public and private sector hospitals, elaborating particularly upon the role of progressive technology and knowledge, the importance of relationships at all functioning levels of medical profession in contributing to an organisations success.

The demands of modern business have called for an increasingly mobile and flexible workforce. This means that less emphasis is placed on loyalty towards an organisations employees than at any time in the past. In the present employment climate, recruiting, retaining and motivating the right employees is an increasingly difficult task. Senior managers must come quickly to the stark realisation that it is their communication that sets the standard for the company. Senior managers now need to recognise and shoulder their responsibility in becoming real role models for effective communication.

The main players in the modern healthcare market are diverse and also have differing interests. For this reason it is anticipated that conflict, tensions and opposing priorities are likely to arise in a potential change management process. This paper is able to identify potential problems and using a set of contemporary business management suggestions, offer some ready solutions to these problems as they are manifested at The Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital. The broad aims of this paper will be met using the following research tools - qualitative research, data and organisational analysis and theoretical models.

Communication methods and function are not the only features that have undergone some major changes in recent years. With market conditions in a constant state of flux, many organisations are finding that significant and continuous changes are necessary if they are to remain competitive. Not surprisingly, one of the most significant and continuous changes is seen in an organisations culture. Examples of effective culture change programmes illustrate how the remit of the communication professional has changed over the last five years. Their work may now contain elements of the change manager, the general manager and the strategist, as well as the more traditional writer, editor and speaker.
1 Introduction

Present day management and leadership styles in a modern and growing healthcare environment need to be flexible in order to suit the changing needs of medical professionals. Organisations change their structure in order to improve efficiency, both financial and human. This type of structural adaptation can take place no matter how large the organisation is. Size is not a major issue any more. Managers have come to realise that they are, for wont of a better phrase, instruments of change. Managers have to use their workforce as a tool to successfully achieve objectives and also to cope with the uncertain situations that are a part and parcel of everyday business life. Medical staff, particularly consultants, play a key role in today?s highly volatile political and business environment. They shoulder a great deal of responsibility whilst also under the pressure of having to reach agreed objectives and targets. Such a wide and heavy burden of responsibility leads to problems within the NHS. This paper will analyse the private medical sector (Exeter Nuffield hospital) and take the view that it is high time the NHS (Royal Devon and Exeter hospital) looked to the private sector of the medical profession.

In both the public and the private sectors, managers who are leaders themselves have to develop strategies for finding and evaluating problems quickly, and thereafter implementing practical solutions that will satisfy both the patients (who fulfil the role of customer) and the medical staff (the workforce) to achieve a continuously high standard in healthcare service. However, only those managers/leaders who initiate the required change on time and who are also sensitive towards changing environments and relationships between those people within the organisation can achieve success. Chia (2003) believes that general managers will need to have the ability to undertake three generic tasks in order to initiate the correct organisational changes. According to Chia these are strategic thinking including sense making (creating meaningful patterns and plans, making choices (decisions) and dealing with obstacles/conflicts (problem solving).

Although this paper does not deliberately set out to draw comparisons between the RD&E (NHS) and Exeter Nuffield (Private) Hospital, invariably the reader may feel compelled (as did the author) to draw conclusions as to how, as Chia (2000) puts it, ?organisations may learn from each other.? In the authors opinion, the NHS may be developed into a better and more productive healthcare service using the highly functionalised, quick and responsive professional mechanisms that are found at the Exeter Nuffield Hospital.

In achieving this goal, the first aim will be to discover how the centralised control and coordination of managers can influence nursing and medical practice in both the public and private sectors. This will involve an analysis of current skills and knowledge and the source of such knowledge; for example, what is the role of modern technology in the current healthcare systems? Analysis of qualitative data will lead to a broader understanding of the organisation of the Nuffield private hospital and current issues of healthcare knowledge particularly where the interaction between management and clinical practice is required. As Brown and Duguid (1991) say, ?knowledge is to be found in the day-to-day reflections and actions of practitioners themselves.?

This paper aims to assess the Exeter Nuffield private hospital regarding its construction as a function of the attitudes, behaviours, values, abilities and beliefs of nurses, consultants, and healthcare managers. Such an analysis is intended to reveal the strengths and weaknesses of the Nuffield organisation and how management and clinical behaviour may be changed and improved.

5 Conclusion

Both the Exeter Nuffield hospital and the RD&E are different types of organisation but both of them have a shared goal in trying to achieve higher standards of patient care. However, the Nuffield is significantly outperforming the RD&E in most of the comparable areas. Is it not time then, that the NHS looked to the private sector to see what it might do to improve?

One of the key differences between Exeter Nuffield Hospital and the RD&E is relationships between staff at all levels. The NHS seems to have employed a good deal more managers than it actually needs. In addition, the managers at the RD&E seem to be under performing in comparison with the managers at the Exeter Nuffield hospital. Managers at the Nuffield are strongly motivated by profit and as has already been mentioned, they appreciate the value of their consultants for this reason. Therefore, the managers at Nuffield Hospitals are really prepared go the extra mile in order to satisfy and work with the consultants and medical staff. For this reason the relationship between managers and consultants at the Nuffield Hospitals is extremely close. This type of organisational culture with its own particular norms values and attitudes ensures that the Nuffield private hospital is a success. This automatically produces higher standards in the delivery of medical care at the Nuffield Hospitals. This accounts for the rapid progression of the Nuffield hospital over the last ten years in delivery of the best medical practice.

At the NHS the goals and objectives are different. The NHS is not a profit led organisation. However, the issue of organisational culture and relationships between medical professionals at all levels is very important and needs significant change and development. A crucial development as well as an excellent starting point would be for the NHS to empower its consultants. The NHS must make significant improvements if it is to survive and it would not go amiss for the NHS to take a good look at the private sector before it begins to implement any such changes. As it stands the NHS could learn a great deal from the Nuffield private hospitals.

Excerpt From Essay:

Title: An Analysis on Observations About School Relationships

Total Pages: 4 Words: 1425 Works Cited: 4 Citation Style: MLA Document Type: Research Paper

Essay Instructions: The purpose of this paper is to organize and synthesize new ideas and thoughts about relationships among and between teachers, students, and administrators at three observational sites in your school (Mr. Duggan's math class, the cafeteria, and the main front office).

Using the observational notes (which I've uploaded), write a FOUR-page paper describing what you learned about relationships among and between teachers and administrators, teachers and students, and students and other students at your school (I.S. 059, Springfield Gardens Middle School: As you write, describe what you saw (behaviorally) as well as how you interpret what you saw. What do the behaviors you saw tell you about relationships among the people? You should avoid jumping to conclusions about what you see. Capture the descriptions (the data).

Example outline of how to write the paper:
1st Paragraph = Introduction (comment on the importance of relationships among the various stakeholders within the school and introduce the three observational sites)
BODY of paper = explicitly describe the behaviors observed in the three observational sites, and what can be said about relationships between the subjects at those sites? Feel free to use research in journal articles to lend support to the relationship observations.
Conclusion = wrap it up by stressing the importance of interconnectedness within the school and any overall conclusions you've noticed pertaining to all 3 sites

***This paper should mostly be written in the 3rd person, but you can use 1st person ("I") if the situation allows. Please see the uploaded observation notes for the data to use in this paper. I've also attached a PDF report that I believe applies to this has excellent references in the bibliography which you can use to further support any observational conclusions.

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