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Instructions for Holy Bible College Essay Examples

Title: Judges 6 1 40 Gideon

Total Pages: 12 Words: 3281 References: 0 Citation Style: APA Document Type: Essay

Essay Instructions: Holy Bible, use Judges 6:1-40-Gideon

The paper should include the following elements: These items should be joined together as a cohesive term paper.

1.Historical Background of the Book(1-2 pages): Provide an overveiw of the historical of the book in which your passage appears.

2.Message of the book(2-3pages): What is the overall message and/or key themes of the book in which your passages appears?

3.Narrative Study of the Passage(12-14 pages): Write an exposition of the passage that you are studying. Identify the major sections of the story and use those major sections as the headings for your exposition. Do not just summarize the story or tell what happened. Focus your exposition on the literary features of the text-characters and how they are developed, plot,setting,immediate context, literary techniques, laws of composition repetition, similarity,contrast,comparison, climax,interchange,etc.

4.Theological and Application Reflection(2-3 pages): summarize the major theological themes of your story.Look at the timeless principles for living that are reflected in the story and state 3 of them, briefly summarize each.

5.Bibliography: Minimum of 15 sources. Do not include bible versions, study Bibles, or internet web pages in your sources. Your sources must be reference works, textbooks, serious commentaries, and articles from theological journals that are appropiate for graduate level work. You should not use one-volume commentaries, popular-level commentaries. or devotional books (Swindoll, Lucado, Wiersbe) for this paper. You must include a minimum of four scholarly journal articles. The paper should reflect good interaction with other sources, but the paper should not simply be a string of quotations(particularly long block qoutes). Uses more recent sources (at least after 1950 and preferably after 1975).

1. double spaced
2. times new roman (12 point) font
3.1 inch margins all around
4.Indent paragraphs 5 spaces or 0.6 inch
5.No extra-line feed between paragraphs
6.MLA style
7.properly footnote citations and qotations
8. Bibliography (15 sources minimum)

Excerpt From Essay:

Title: eight great sign miracles that Jesus performed

Total Pages: 5 Words: 2131 Works Cited: 3 Citation Style: MLA Document Type: Research Paper

Essay Instructions: Using your Bible, books, and two additional sources, briefly describe each sign miracle and explain how this sign miracle reveals the deity of Christ.

The description of each sign miracle must include the following:

1. A brief description of the events surrounding the sign itself. For example, when describing the event surrounding the changing of water to wine in John Chapter 2, it would be necessary to describe the events of the wedding at Cana, how the supply of wine was depleted, how Jesus instructed the servants to fill the water pots, and so on.

2. A brief explanation of how this sign miracle reveals the deity of Christ. For example, a certain sign might reveal Jesus’ power over the forces of nature.

3. A description of the events and an explanation of how the sign reveals Christ’s deity must be included.

Miracles are listed below.
1. Turning of water into wine (Holy Bible, John 2:1-11)
2. Healing of a nobleman's son (Holy Bible, John 4:46-54)
3. Healing of a lame man (Holy Bible, John 5:1-9)
4. Feeding of the 5,000 (Holy Bible, John 6:1-14)
5. Jesus walking on the water (Holy Bible, John 6:15-21)
6. Healing of a blind man (Holy Bible, John 9:1-12)
7. Raising Lazarus from the dead (Holy Bible, John 11:1-44)
8. Miraculous catch of fish (Holy Bible, John 21:1-11)

Excerpt From Essay:

Title: Epistemology Paper

Total Pages: 8 Words: 2489 Bibliography: 4 Citation Style: APA Document Type: Essay

Essay Instructions: Description: Write an Epistemology Paper delineating your stance on "Premodernism", and state the position somewhere in the paper. Show a strong belief system in God that He is the Ultimate Truth.

Approach to Writing the Paper: The first task of writing this paper should be identifying the position from which you wish to write your paper. Be sure this position "Premoderism" is clearly stated in the beginning of your paper. Your position should also remain consistent through the paper. While you may address points of disagreement or concern with your primary position, you may voice areas of agreement with different positions, your primary position should remain consistent and evident. After identifying your position, it is expected that the paper is presented in a logical, coherent manner.

Consider the following: 1) points of agreement, 2) points of concern/confusion/disagreement, 3) how this position impacts your world view, and 4) how this paper does (or should) influence your approach to psychology as a future Psychologist

Example of how I think as a Premoderism stance: The truth is we all have a chance for eternal salvation. We will either spend eternity in paradise or a never-ending torment. The choice is ours to make. We all have a purpose. We weren't just put here to live extravagantly and die. The life we have now is just the beginning. It is not our place to question why, but to understand everything was created by God. We are to carry out his will and glorify Him. We were made by GOD for GOD.

Use some 1st person in the position paper, but make it look scholarly. APA Style 6th Edition must be used. Reference Page must include doi # from articles used, and if no doi # is available, than write proper website address as APA Style 6th edition ask for. 4 Scholarly Sources are to be used. Very Important for sources to be Scholarly. One source can be the Holy Bible, any version. No Abstract required, just Reference Page.

Excerpt From Essay:

Title: The Analysis of James Dunns Baptism in the Holy Spirit

Total Pages: 20 Words: 6335 Sources: 0 Citation Style: MLA Document Type: Research Paper

Essay Instructions: The focal points: This paper should be a thorough analysis of James Dunn?s position on the Holy Spirit i.e., Jesus is the bearer of the Holy Spirit. Ending with a comparison of The Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church by Vladimir Lossky. (A comparison of the Western versus the Eastern Christian theology concerning the Holy Spirit)

Additional thoughts:

Dunn's main premise is that the Baptism in the Holy Spirit did occur in Acts as a "second work of grace" but this is only part of Jesus' plan of evangelism and conversion (Acts 1:8). The dramatic Spirit-Baptisms were simply God giving His sign of approval upon their conversions. Thus Dunn views the Baptism in the Spirit as a conversion/initiation experience (1 Cor. 12:13).

In understanding early Christianity (i.e. Jesus and the first Christians), the N.T. materials can be analyzed in their various dimensions (e.g., historical, theological, experiential, etc.). What N.T. Wright has provided for us by way of his treatment of the second-temple Jewish, historical background of Jesus and the first Christians, Dunn has done for us via his treatment of the experiential dimension. This is not to "reduce" their faith to subjective experiences, but to show how their relation to God was reflected in their various experiences of God's Spirit. This helps us to discover in what ways Jesus' own experiences were distinctive (or unique), and, at the same time, like those of the first believers.

One of the major points Dunn brings out is, that both Jesus' and the first Christian's experience of the Spirit was "eschatological" in nature: they experienced an outpouring of the Spirit and understood themselves to be living, now, in the new age to come. This awareness, on Jesus' part, led him to understand himself as the one who was bringing in the kingdom of God, as his Son, and manifested itself in the first believers as a full and diversified experience of the Spirit, which was determinative for every aspect of their lives, not least in their worship. Dunn discusses the various charismata and admonitions by Paul, in responding to the disruptions in the Corinthian church, to safeguard against their misuse.

One of the major claims in his book is, that in the resurrection appearances to the apostles, the experience included a commission to proclaim the gospel--this, he maintains, was one of the "distinctive" features of the resurrection appearances. In this interpretation, of course, Dunn is trying to explain the experiential basis for the apostolic authority.

Dunn also stresses the "not yet" side of the Christian experience, and interprets Paul's comments in Romans 7 in these terms: the Christian experiences the tension caused by still living within the present age (a point Gordon Fee has challenged in his writings). In this regard, Dunn has an excellent discussion of Paul's stress on sharing (and glorying) in the suffering of Christ--it is precisely through sharing in his (Jesus') death that we may be conformed to his life. This, for Paul, was the basis of his gospel and in what he gloried.

Dunn displays an obvious appreciation of the charismatic nature of the life of the first Christians, and on several occasions cautions against simply "reading off" or dismissing the Spirit phenomena witnessed in the N.T. While he does not argue for accepting each particular incident of a "miracle" story, nevertheless, he maintains that we need to remain objective in our evaluation of such phenomena and not arbitrarily dismiss them on the basis of a supposed more enlightened modern view.

This work is one of the few of its kind, and provides another important interpretative dimension to help us understand the origin of Christian faith and actual experiences of Jesus and the first Christians. It is a very sensitive and objective treatment, and has direct relevance to Christological study in particular.

Please include quotations, parenthetical citations, footnotes, etc.

Style: The Chicago Manual of Style, 14th Edition (ISBN
0), supplemented by The SBL Handbook of Style (ISBN X

Bibliography below:

Please ensure the following sources are in the paper:

1. Baptism in the Holy Spirit: A Re-Examination of the New Testament Teaching on the Gift of the Spirit in Relation to Pentecostalism Today
ISBN: 9 Author: James D. G. Dunn

2. Jesus and the Spirit: A Study of the Religious and Charismatic Experience of Jesus and the First Christians As Reflected in the New Testament
ISBN: 7 Author: James D. G. Dunn

3. The Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church
ISBN: 1 Author: Vladimir Lossky

4. Listening to the Spirit in the Text
ISBN: 9 Author: Gordon D. Fee

5. New International Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements, The
ISBN: 0 Author: Stanley M. Burgess (Editor) Eduard M. Van Der Maas (Editor) Ed van der Maas

6. 20Th-Century Theology: God and the World in a Transitional Age
ISBN: 2 Author: Stanley J. Grenz Roger E. Olson (Contributor)

7. Humanity of God
ISBN: 0 Author: Karl Barth John N. Thomas (Translator) Thomas Weiser (Translator)

8. Theological Roots of Pentecostalism
ISBN: 6 Author: Donald Dayton (Author)

9. Renewal Theology
ISBN: 5 Author: J. Rodman Williams Rodman J. Williams

10. The Holy Spirit: Eastern Christian Traditions
ISBN: 7 Author: Stanley Burgess (Author)

11. Holy Spirit Power
ISBN: 4 Author: Charles Haddon Spurgeon

12. Holy Bible (NIV) (KJV)

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