Essay Instructions: TEACHING PLAN GUIDELINES Congestive Heart Failure
GENERAL EXPECTATIONS- A six to twelve (6-12) page paper describing the six (6) criteria listed below. The paper should be in complete sentences versus outline or bullet format, and UTILIZE PATIENT LANGUAGE NOT TEXTBOOK LANGUAGE. That means the paper should be written TO THE PATIENT NOT THE INSTRUCTOR, and should be at a sixth grade level. Begin the paper with a description of your patient. The description should include the patient age, socioeconomic status, and culture. Teaching should into account those factors. Remember that culture includes a patients's habits and beliefs about time, food, health/illness, family, gender roles, religion, ethnicity, independence/ dependence and beliefs about medicine/ nursing. YOUR PATIENT MUST HAVE A CULTURE OR STRONG ETHNIC BACKGROUNG OTHER THAN AMERICAN, BUT YOU MAY CHOOSE WHAT THAT IS. Terms a patient may need to know should be explained. Diagrams or illustrations may be included. Use subheadings to identify each of the criteria discussed. A reference list (see description of reference list in APA) in APA format is expected which includes at LEAST THREE SOURCES BEYOUND THE TEXTBOOK ( not including Taber's dictionary), WITH AT LEAST ONE BEING A JOURNAL ARTICLE. ALL REFERENCES SHOULD BE RECENT, WITHIN THE LAST 5 YEARS. USE OF THE INTERNET FOR INFORMATION (INCLUDED IN REFERENCE LIST) IS ENCOURAGED, BUT SHOULD BE REPUTABLE SOURCES.
1) Patient profile ( as described above)
2) Explain the disease process to the patient, include any alterable risk factors
3) Explain any diagnostic tests to the patient that will most likely be done to diagnose or routinely monitor their health status
4) Explain any medical or nursing therapies that will most likely be done, e.g. procedures, possible surgeries, nursing monitoring, etc.
5) Describe any commonly prescribed medications to the patient including typical dose, common side effect, purpose of drug, interactions, symptoms to notify the physician about, etc
6) Describe any life style changes the patient should make, and include suggestions for any health promotion activities appropriate to the patients family, ( related to the disease process chosen, and integrating the clients socioeconomic status and culture).
7) Format , creativity, appropriate length, patient language, correct APA format throughout, use of internet, spelling, grammar, punctuation, use of subheadings etc.