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Family Communication Essays and Research Papers

Instructions for Family Communication College Essay Examples

Essay Instructions: APA formatted paper title page & body containing the headings and content below (NOTE: You MUST include the headings for each section--this may be a different paper format from what you are accustomed to but it is designed to help you avoid leaving parts out and losing points):
Use proper mechanics (spelling, punctuation, grammar, sentence structure).
Topic is ?Managing Relationship Challenges with partners or spouses?- 2200 WORDS.

1. Introduction of the topic including thesis statement.
2. Key concept and personal interest in the topic.
3. Importance to the Field of Family Communication
This section will explain the topic area's importance to the field of Family Communication. You have described some of the key ideas of __ Managing Relationship Challenges __; how did/does it relate to Family Communication?

4. Five Journal Article Descriptions
Summarize and discuss 5 scholarly journal articles related to the topic. Popular magazines, .com websites, encyclopedias such as Wikipedia and Encarta can't be used for this assignment (Tip: Articles found in academic journals titled The Journal of _ Managing Relationship Challenges _ _ are your best bet). Discuss the relevance of the research articles and how they pertain to the field of Family Communication as a whole. This section should examine the strengths and weaknesses within the research studies included and their conclusions. Discuss how the conclusions contained within the research support or refute your thesis statement.
5. Discussion and Conclusion
Summarize the main points of your paper. Include a discussion on the future trends and research in the field of communication.
6. References and (Annotated Bibliography 275 WORDS)
Include an APA format Reference page and list all sources used in writing the paper. NOTE: All these sources must have been cited in the paper body. The reference page should be followed by the Annotated Bibliography page (these are separate components of the paper). Make sure you include at least 5 journal article references, in addition to using the textbook.

Excerpt From Essay:

Title: Interpersonal communication

Total Pages: 5 Words: 1585 Works Cited: 2 Citation Style: MLA Document Type: Research Paper

Essay Instructions: In this final assignment, you will assess your skills in interpersonal, group, and organizational communications based on your studies of these forms of communication. Address each of these forms of communication separately in the portfolio, assessing your overall skills in this area and then specifically addressing the issues listed below. Also, apply at least four of the theories or models of communication you have studied in the course. Your portfolio should address the following:
1. Interpersonal Communication:
o Your overall skills in this form of communication
o Your spoken language skills
o Your listening skills
o Your relationship skills
o Issues discussed in the Your Study of Communication Assignment
o Issues discussed in the Personal Constructs Paper Assignment
o Issues discussed in the Relationship Development Assignment
2. Group Communications:
o Your overall skills in this form of communication
o Five characteristics that would describe you
o Group roles you play most frequently
o Are you all territorial? How do you show your territoriality?
o Do you have a large or small ?personal space bubble?? How does this affect your communication with others?
o Families are groups with definite roles, structure, and norms. Analyze your family communication and your skills in this area.
3. Organizational Communications:
o Your overall skills in this form of communication
o Issues related to work-content skills, personal attributes such as self-management, and technology skills discussed in the Organizational Skills Assessment Assignment

Theories/ models to use: Pragmatic Perspective, Psychological Perspective, Social Constructionist, and social responsibility theory

One resource to use
Trenholm, S. (2008) Thinking through communication: An introduction to the study of human
communication (6th ed.). Boston: Pearson Education

Excerpt From Essay:

Title: Comprehensive proposal for development of an early childhood education program

Total Pages: 5 Words: 1742 Bibliography: 5 Citation Style: APA Document Type: Essay

Essay Instructions: Things to include in paper:

Program Center's Vision Statement
Mission Statement
Educational Philosophy which includes a summary of the child development theory on which this philosophy is based
Curriculum Model and a complete explanation as to how this curriculum model supports the center’s Vision, Mission, and Educational Philosophy
Description of the program center’s classroom and playground environment (including specifics of how the facility’s design supports a child’s growth and development)
A comprehensive summary of strategies for inclusive practices
Teacher position description which includes teacher qualifications and position responsibilities
Staff professional growth plan
Description of the program center’s discipline policy
Plan for staff/family communication including orientation, daily exchanges, and monthly communication
Description of assessment process used to document children’s progress

Excerpt From Essay:

Title: communication

Total Pages: 5 Words: 1598 Sources: 0 Citation Style: APA Document Type: Research Paper

Essay Instructions: Communication paper
The munication paper is designed to reflect on your professional munication style. You will be interviewing an adult client as scheduled. Your goal is to utilize therapeutic munication skills during the interview, and then to evaluate the munication interaction in the areas of environment, psychological climate, physical/cultural variables, verbal and non-verbal behaviors. You will also be asked to ment on any other possible facilitators or barriers to therapeutic munication. Remember the importance of maintaining a nurse-client relationship at all times during this interaction. (It will be helpful to review the therapeutic munication content reviewed and discussed in class).

1. Describe the situation, environment for your interaction, participants, psychological climate, physical and cultural variables. (3 points)

2. Describe your interaction including both verbal and non-verbal behaviors of each participant. The discussion should be at least 20 to 25 minutes in length. Use a narration style in chronological order in your paper when describing the interaction (i.e. describe the non-verbals at the same point in the paper as you are describing the verbals) (3 points)

3. Identify a minimum of THREE therapeutic munication strategies used during the interaction process (i.e. reflection, restatement, a direct question). (3 points)

4. From your perspective, evaluate the effectiveness of the munication
including a minimum of TWO strengths and areas needing growth. Were
there any bridges or barriers that impacted the interaction either on your part
or the Senior’s (and if so identify and discuss). Identify TWO suggestions you
might include next time to improve the munication process. (6 points)

5. Summarize the insights you have gained about your own munication style
Describe specific actions/strategies you will take to continually gain skill and
confidence in therapeutic munication. (4 points)

6. Use APA Format (2 points).

The length of the paper is limited to FIVE pages and a Reference page using APA format. The paper should also include an introductory paragraph describing the topic or topicss to be discussed, the interview and analysis and a summary paragraph demonstrating conclusions and insights learning from this interview.

American Psychological Association (Current Edition) Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (5th Ed. or Recent Edition) format.

Used in healthcare as a focused, purposeful exchange between nurse and client
Goal is to reach client’s health care goals
EMPOWERTime limited

A therapeutic conversation tells the story of an illness with both nurse and client taking different roles in telling it.” (Arnold & Boggs, 2003)
Active Listening:
Crucial part of therapeutic munication
Client sends message, nurse decodes message
Nurse uses client’s values and feelings to interpret the meaning
At same time delivers non-verbal messages of presence and caring
Nurse listening for facts and underlying meaning Physical factors:
Body posture
Sit/stand fully facing client
Direct eye contact
Lean slightly forward
Relaxed posture
Environmental setting
No distractions
Personal space

Limited self disclosure from nurse

Professional boundariesPersonal factors
Differences between nurse and client;
Previous life experiences
Education level
Occupational status
Clients who refuse to ‘ply’
Clients who have lost hope
Nurse needs to be self-aware of biases
Nurses should pay close attention to verbal expressions and language usage

Mirror them whenever possible

Beware of verbal information overload
Allows client to tell story
Similar to essay question on exam
Cannot be answered by ‘yes’ or ‘no’
Elicit client’s thoughts/perspectives
In what way
Can you tell me about

Limited answer options
Limits expression of feelings
Takes more questions to obtain information
Emergency situatCircular
Focus on interpersonal CONTEXT
Identify family relationships and impact of illness on family
‘who is most anxious about your mother’s illness’
Central idea
Underlying feeling associated with facts
Understanding what client is NOT saying
Moving beyond facts
Critical thinking
objectivityCommunication patterns
Family munication dynamics
Developmental/educational levels
Culture, role
Ways of handling conflict
Ways of dealing with emotions
Intuitive munication
Inner response not supported by objective data
Minimal cuesReflection
Focuses on the emotions
‘it sounds like’
‘it seems that’
Further develops relationship between content and feeling
Very powerful
Emotionally charged issues
Allows time to think
When words are inadequate, inappropriate
Used for healing
Deepens meaning of language
Task touch vs caring touch
Links ideas and actions together

Smiling, nodding, leaning forward
Gaining accuracy and plete understanding
Use sparingly
Take original message and put into your own words
Don’t lose meaning
Client re-hears their messageSilence
Very powerful
Emotionally charged issues
Allows time to think
When words are inadequate, inappropriate
Used for healing
Deepens meaning of language
Task touch vs caring touchMirroring depth
Level of depth, meaning and language
Serious/flip remark

Appropriate vocabulary
Education level appropriate
Prioritizing munication topic
Limited time
Mental picture of healthcare concern
‘pain in the neck’
Changing the frame in which the client is viewing the situation
Leads to changing the meaning for client
More positive interpretation
I.e. diagnosis bees a ‘gift’
Presenting reality
Introduces an alternative explanation for client to consider
‘all you nurses do is sit at the desk all night’
‘it sounds like you had a rough night’

Evaluate client to know if humor would help
Use only occasionally
Do not ridicule with humor
Validate client by restating client’s concern

Giving feedback
Message sent from receiver back to sender in response to a message or observed behavior
Helps client know nurse is listening and attending to health care needs
Timely, usable, clear, honest, reflective
Arnold, E. & Boggs, K. (2003). Interpersonal relationships (4th ed). St. Louis: Saunders.

The munication paper is based on an elderly person from age 50 to 60. the closed question such as are you married? did you work? do you currently work? do you take any medications? while the open-ended questions such as tell me about your faamily? what activities(hobbies) do you enjoy? can you tell me a little about your work and what you liked best about your job? while validating questions- when you you mean...while clarifying questions- i am not sure what you APA documentation for munication paper. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTION PLEASE CALL ME ON CELL PHONE OR EMAIL

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