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Enforcement Essays and Research Papers

Instructions for Enforcement College Essay Examples

Essay Instructions: Hi I want you to write about (enforcement policy and health risks in the offshore oil and gas industry) please I want you to follow these points to write the paper ... my points are
-introduction and then
1- overview and requirements of the program
2- definition of roles and responsibilities for all people affected by the program
3- regulatory requirements
4- expected benefits of the program
5- cost of implement
6- training
and write about the health risks also.
and conclusion
I will attach one article and you can use it as a source. please depend on the information of this article to understand what i mean.
please use different academic articles and put citation inside the text and also i need to write the references in the last page with the websites and i want you to use about 9 websites
please write about 8 pages about this topic
please make it a good paper because it is very important for me and for my gpa

Excerpt From Essay:

Title: Managing Organisations Critically analyse how the enforcement of power may or may not lead to organisational resistance conflict and decline

Total Pages: 7 Words: 2434 Works Cited: 15 Citation Style: MLA Document Type: Research Paper

Essay Instructions: Managing Organisations
2000 Word Critical Essay
Drawing on the lecture material as well as the wider reading list, and your own wider research


Drawing on theories of power and practical examples (these may be organisational or political), discuss and critically analyse how the enforcement of power may or may not lead to organisational resistance, conflict and decline. In answering this question, you may also draw on a number of other theories including, knowledge and leadership.


IMPORTANT: Use the lecture slides on Power and Knowledge theories to assist with this critical essay. The essay Preparation slide gives some guidance on good essay writing and essay structure.

Harvard Referencing. e.g. Books - Bee, H. 1989. The developing child, 5th Ed, New York: Harper & Row.
Articles - Townsend, B. 1986. Academic writing: advice on how to do it. Higher Education, 15(3-4): 373-378.

REMEMBER: To draw on theory and practical examples to construct an analytical and in-depth essay on your chosen question. All essays should have a beginning, middle and end, they need to flow. The introduction should clearly explain how you are interpreting the question and what you intend to argue in the essay as well as giving clues to the structure of the essay. The main body of the text should make a clear argument based on evidence (usually in the form of references to empirical and theoretical work conducted by researchers and academics). The conclusion should summarise the arguments which have been made and possibly raise issues for further research.

ENGLISH Writer please. Can you ensure the language, grammar and sentence structure used throughout the essay is to the highest standard 70%+.

There are faxes for this order.

Excerpt From Essay:

The main skills being assessed are:
? Written communication (structure, clarity of explanation)
Selection of appropriate legal and academic material and analysis of the material used
? Ability to research to an appropriate depth and range
? Referencing
In doing your research, you are encouraged to make use of a variety of sources. EU law academic articles can be found in the European Law Review and Common Market Law Review (these cover both social law and competition law). Both journals are accessible electronically (former via Westlaw; latter if you type it into ?find my reference? on the Library?s page) and in paper form in the Law Library. The European Competition Law Review covers competition law; again it is accessible via Westlaw. The Industrial Law Journal, accessible via Westlaw, covers EU social law. You might also find the Jean Monnet Papers and the European Integration on Line Papers useful. Europa is a mine of useful information ? though remember who produces it. The Commission?s sites in relation to social policy and competition law are both identified on lecture handouts/reading lists. In using web based sources, remember to take into account who produces them; what angle they could be writing from etc. These are valuable sources as long as you assess their validity.
Must be Work of distinguished quality, which is based on a rigorous, comprehensive and detailed knowledge base, including awareness of the provisional nature of knowledge and its theoretical, ethical and conceptual dimensions, together with its wider context and implications. ?Work will demonstrate sustained ability to engage in analysis of new/abstract data and situations, synthesise data and concepts to design novel solutions, critically evaluate evidence and its contradictions, and confidence in application to define and propose resolutions to complex problems relevant to the field of study or assessment task. ?This will be the basis for authoritative arguments and judgements and work which meets professional standards in relation to a full range of key skills. There will be strong evidence of competence across a range of specialised skills using them to plan, develop and evaluate problems solving strategies, to challenge received opinion and develop reflective judgements and reports. Clear evidence of capability to operate autonomously with minimal guidance in complex and unpredictable contexts using a wide range of innovative and standard techniques will be demonstrated. Outputs will be communicated effectively, accurately and reliably.

Excerpt From Essay:

Title: Criminal Justice

Total Pages: 6 Words: 1827 Sources: 6 Citation Style: MLA Document Type: Research Paper

Essay Instructions: Building a More Just Society

The purpose of the Final Paper is for students to pick a branch of the criminal justice system and then answer, for the role of a specific professional, the branch of the criminal justice system, and the criminal justice system at large, how they can use the social justice principles of equality, solidarity, and human rights to build a more just society.

Example: if the student chooses law enforcement and the issue is profiling citizens to investigate potential crime, the students will research, analyze, and propose how a law enforcement officer, law enforcement agencies, and the criminal justice system at large can each use the social justice principles of equality, solidarity, and human rights to build a more just society.

Choose one of the three main branches of the criminal justice system: law enforcement, the judiciary, or corrections. Your paper should address areas I, II, and III in the body of your paper.

Part I:
If you chose law enforcement:
Law enforcement professionals must execute justice by upholding the law in an ethical and constitutional manner. Which parts of the Constitution of the United States are most relevant to the ethical standards of law enforcement professionals? How do law enforcement professionals ensure that they uphold the Constitution? How can law enforcement professionals use the social justice principles of equality, solidarity, and human rights to build a more just society?
If you chose the judiciary:
Professionals in the judiciary, including prosecutors, defense attorneys, and judges, must execute justice by upholding the law in an ethical manner. Which parts of the Constitution of the United States are most relevant to the ethical standards of professionals in the judiciary? How do professionals in the judiciary uphold the Constitution? How can a professional in the judiciary use the social justice principles of equality, solidarity, and human rights to build a more just society?
If you chose corrections:
Corrections professionals must execute justice by upholding the law in an ethical and constitutional manner. Which parts of the Constitution of the United States are most relevant to the ethical standards of corrections professionals? How do corrections professionals ensure that they uphold the Constitution? How can corrections professionals use the social justice principles of equality, solidarity, and human rights to build a more just society?

Part II:
If you chose law enforcement:
Why do people commit crime? How can law enforcement professionals use criminal theory to understand criminal actions? How can this understanding inform their practice?
If you chose the judiciary:
Why do people commit crime? How can professionals in the judiciary use criminal theory to understand criminal actions? How can this understanding inform their practice?
If you chose corrections:
Why do people commit crime? How can corrections professionals use criminal theory to understand criminal actions? How can this understanding inform their practice?

Part III:
If you chose law enforcement:
What are three main issues that face law enforcement professionals on a regular basis? What are the best responses to these issues?
If you chose the judiciary:
What are the three main issues that face professionals in the judiciary on a regular basis? What are the best responses to these issues?
If you chose corrections:
What are the three main issues that face corrections professionals on a regular basis? What are the best responses to these issues?

The paper must be six to eight pages in length and formatted according to APA style. You must use at least five scholarly resources other than the textbook to support your claims. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the reference page.
The Final Paper:
Must be six to eight double-spaced pages in length, and formatted according to APA style
? Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
? Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
? Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
? Must use at least five scholarly resources, other than the textbook to support your claims
? Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the reference page.
? Must document all sources in APA style
? Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style

Content Criteria
All key elements of the assignment are substantively covered.
? One of the three main branches of the criminal justice system is fully covered.
? Sections of the paper are integrated together in the analysis.
The content is comprehensive, accurate, and well developed.
The paper develops a central theme or idea directed toward the appropriate audience.
Major points are stated clearly.
? Arguments are organized logically and supported by specific details, examples, or analysis.

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